Sunday, 10 November 2013

Weight Lifting Workouts to Maximise Results From Weight Loss and Fitness Programs

Weight Lifting Programs

Weight Lifting Exercises and why they should be part of Your health and fitness program.
When it comes to setting goals for weight loss, many people believe that all that is important to achieve this is to diet and do 'cardio' exercises. This simply is not the case. A well balanced health and fitness program should also include a weight lifting routine as well.

Why Are Weight Lifting Programs So Important? The simple fact of the matter is that weight training will raise your heart rate which in turn will force your body to burn more calories. But it does much more than this. There are a lot of very important long term benefits that only weight training will provide. Having more muscle on your body will increase your metabolism. A higher metabolism means your body will burn even more calories. Gaining muscle will make your body require more energy, and it will get this energy by burning fat. Or, by gaining muscle, you are able to perform more strenuous activities, which in turn requires more energy by burning up those stored calories.

Some of the other important benefits from a good weight lifting program are that you will improve the way your body looks and feels, which is a great incentive to persevere. Also, regular weight lifting will strengthen your bones, and joints, which will in turn make your body much less susceptible to injury and fatigue.

Weight Lifting Programs for You. When it comes down to choosing the right weight lifting program for yourself, with any exercise start off light and work your way up. The more weight training you do the better, as long as you ensure that you do not get impatient and over reach. Always give your body enough time to recover between workouts. This is very important. Try to start with two days of weight training workouts per week. When this becomes easy to achieve, add another day or increase your workouts intensity. Always leave at least 48 hours between similar exercises. It is also a good idea to mix in complex movements like squats, lunges, bench press, and chin ups. Simple body resistance movements are yet another way to build muscle and strength. Using a variety of fitness workouts like this is good for preventing boredom, and covers the whole body.

How Long Should You Exercise For? When doing any weight training program you should always shoot for a feeling of mild exhaustion before calling it quits. By the end of your workout, whatever body part you are working on should feel like a pump; like the muscle is getting bigger. Try to push yourself, with care, until you feel that you cannot reasonably achieve anymore sets.

Weight Loss Workouts: If weight loss is your main goal you will need to have a balanced fitness workout routine. As suggested above, try at least three days of strength exercises per week. On each consecutive day of weight training, work on a different muscle group such as upper body the first exercise day and lower body the next, and mix with either yoga or another form of total body workout. No matter what exercises you perform, make sure to stretch both before and after your workout to avoid injury. Warming up before a workout is very important!

Always remember to give your body a rest. Don't pummel a certain muscle or muscle group into submission. Always workout within your safe capacity. Nothing can be achieved by hurting and tearing body parts. When you stress your muscles during your weightlifting and fitness program, it breaks down the tissues which then need time to heal. This is the natural process of growth, becoming bigger and stronger.

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Saturday, 2 November 2013

The Chinese State of Mind About Food and Weight Loss

So, you survived the holidays... barely?

Ate a little more than you wanted to? Sat around watching TV more than usual? Got a bit more stressed out with purchasing, celebrating, and hanging out with relatives than you do any other time of the year? As a result, you may be noticing a little extra paunch around your middle or thighs and feel compelled to do something about it; after all, it's a new year. Well, before you go ordering the latest diet book off the internet or deciding it's time to start on those "yummy" prepackaged food diet programs, consider another angle: Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is an ancient system for restoring balance and helping the body's various systems work in harmony. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss (or any other issue for that matter), Chinese medicine seeks to determine what imbalance underlies a particular person's weight issue. It can do far more than merely help you fit back in your skinny jeans; it can help you be a healthier, more balanced, and yes, less overweight person. Being overweight is not a disease in and of itself; it is a symptom of a larger imbalance, especially in people who struggle with weight issues their whole lives. Some popular diets focus on limiting one or more categories of food (usually carbohydrates or fats) to encourage quick weight loss. Other programs rely heavily on prepackaged portion-controlled foods, which often have suboptimal nutritional value despite being low calorie. In both cases, these modern solutions to weight loss rarely provide lasting results. More than 95 percent of the people who lose weight through these measures gain it back in a year or less. Why? Because these programs do little to address the underlying lifestyle, psychological, and physiological reasons for weight gain. If the real root cause of being overweight is not addressed, the weight usually comes back. If you want to not only take weight off but keep it off, get off the quick fix track and instead look a little deeper.

So How Does Chinese Medicine Help People Lose Weight?

The first important concept is that, according to Chinese medical theory, the main reason to eat is to give the body energy, or qi. Some foods, namely ones that are fresh and not overly processed, have more energy-giving potential. One of the major failings of standard diet programs is that they often place quantity above quality. While learning appropriate portion size is a vital component of any healthy weight loss program, calorie counting without discussion of nutrient density of a particular food is a little like pretending a squirt gun has the same firing capacity as an equal-sized hand gun. All calories are not alike. While it should be apparent that eating 300 calories of cookies would not have the same nutritional benefit as 300 calories of spinach, this is exactly what many weight loss programs would have you believe. The key to maintaining a healthy weight cannot simply be reduced to number of calories alone.

Another Chinese idea related to food is that it has innate energetic properties that can either help or hinder a person's health. Food and medicine are often the same in China. Many of the same herbs that are prescribed in a custom herbal formula from the hospital herbalist may appear in both Chinese home-cooked and banquet dishes. The Chinese know how to cure many common health conditions simply by adding or deleting certain foods from their diets. When it comes to weight loss, pungent digestion-enhancing spices such as cardamon, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper are often used. Fennel reduces appetite; Chinese pearl barley (Job's Tears) and cardamom help reduce water weight and treat diarrhea; hawthorn fruit has the ability to digest fats and meat; barley sprouts and radish seeds both break up food stagnation from overeating. Foods that increase dampness in the body (the underlying pattern that generally leads to excess adipose or fat tissue) such as dairy, alcohol, fried foods, and refined sugar should be limited in people wanting to lose weight.

Eat Simply, Eat Fresh, Eat Local

Yet another important point, celebrated by macrobiotics (which is a specific Asian-influenced dietary philosophy) is to eat simply eat fresh, and, whenever possible, eat local. The over industrialization of food in the past 40 years has left America unique in the world as the most overfed yet undernourished culture ever to exist. Much of what we call food is not food at all; hydrogenated fats, for example, are recognized to be more like plastic by our bodies' digestive systems than food. Artificial sweeteners can be tens or even hundreds of times sweeter than natural sugars and therefore create unprecedented cravings for other sweet treats. There is convincing evidence that sodas (both regular and diet) may be the largest single dietary contributor to diabetes in children. As we've become removed from the skills of growing and preparing our own food, we have lost sight of what it means to nourish ourselves. We also are wrecking the environment to transport exotic food products all over the planet. It is customary now in cities to eat a different international cuisine every night of the week. This can spell real disaster for certain people's GI systems. Most of us would do much better to stick to a general pattern of cuisine (probably similar to what our ancestors ate) and only deviate from time to time for special occasions. Put more simply, eat food your great-grandparents would recognize!

Healthy Digestion and a Calm State of Mind

In addition to eating high-quality food, healthy digestion and a calm state of mind are also imperative for one to have a good weight. If a person is upset or stressed when eating they actually "swallow" these emotions deeper into their body. It is therefore a good idea to take a few moments to do a little deep breathing, offer up a moment of appreciation for the food itself, or do whatever else helps a person feel calmer and more generally positive before eating. Once the stressful emotion has subsided, eat slowly enough to fully taste, appreciate, and digest the food without too much outside distraction. The Ayurvedic tradition from India frowns on casual conversation during mealtime as it is believed to inhibit digestion. In the West we often have so much going on while we eat that digestion can be severely impaired. Currently one in five meals in America is eaten in a car and another sizeable percentage of meals at home is eaten in front of the TV. These habits spell real disaster for the spleen and stomach which, according to Chinese medicine theory, require the body and mind's full attention to adequately do their job of breaking down and metabolizing food and drink. Also, when the mind is on another task such as following the plot of a movie, it becomes nearly impossible for a person to notice that his stomach is full. For all these reasons, eating while distracted can contribute to digestive issues such as reflux, irritable bowel, bloating, and gas. The way we eat is, therefore, just as important as what we eat.

Acupuncture Can Help
If you find you reach for junk food more often than you like, or that you eat for emotional reasons, acupuncture can help. There is a unique combination of acupuncture points on the ear which help reduce all kinds of compulsive behavior, including overeating. Though it may require two to three months of treatments to fully address an individual's weight issue, even after only three or four sessions of acupuncture people typically notice a significant decrease in wanting to overeat; in addition, what they are hungry for are more likely to be vegetables or whole grains rather than chips or cookies. Even if they do have a cookie they may be surprised to be satisfied with just one rather than the entire batch. This is because acupuncture destresses both the body and mind so that the physiological desire to eat healthy, qi-filled food is allowed to surface. Acupuncture can bring a little much-needed calmness to your nervous system so stress doesn't override the body's natural desire for healthy things. Furthermore, a type of acupuncture popularized in China in the past decade for weight loss uses electric stimulation of key spleen and stomach meridian points on the abdomen and has been shown in many people, over time, to help soften and break up fat deposits. In addition, Chinese herbs can be used to treat deeper constitutional imbalances contributing to specific sweet or salt cravings and are also immensely helpful for treating constipation, gas, bloating, and other symptoms of digestive stagnation. Finally, qi gong exercises (which move energy much the same way as acupuncture) may be recommended by your acupuncturist to build up the energy required for the body to lose weight. (For a great book on using qi gong for weight loss, read Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts, by Nan Lu.) Chinese medicine believes that, if a person's body is running on an energy deficit (such as when one eats too little or has a chronic health issue), sustained weight loss is nearly impossible because the body will want to store energy in fat cells to save for later rather than use it up today as it does in a healthy body. Daily practice of qi gong can give a body back the natural energy that it needs to be healthy so that it can begin to shed poundage.

Lasting Results
In sum, Chinese medicine believes that each person with weight issues needs to be treated individually for his/her unique underlying constitutional imbalances. By receiving acupuncture to calm compulsive eating, learning to cultivate the body's energy via qi gong or other restorative exercise, focusing on stress management, and possibly using herbs for good digestion, a person will likely be a lot healthier, energetic, and slimmer than before- results you can feel confident will last! ~Kelly Clady-Giramma,Kelly Clady-Giramma received her Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco. Kelly has had a long academic and professional history with China spanning 20 years. She is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in Massachusetts, New York and California and also practiced Chinese Medicine in Suzhou and Shanghai, China from 2004-2007. She is a certified instructor in a unique form of qigong, called The Dragon's Way ®, which helps people self-heal from a variety of chronic health problems by practicing 10 simple energy movements daily and also using herbs and healing foods.
As a Chinese Medicine practitioner, Kelly specializes in treating neurological diseases, women's health, fertility, digestive and autoimmune disorders and weight loss. Besides using acupuncture, herbs, and therapeutic qigong, she helps her patients explore underlying stresses, lifestyle and dietary habits that contribute to imbalances so that they are fully involved in their own healing process.

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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Foods That Cleanse Your Colon Help You Lose Weight

Foods that cleanse your colon help you lose weight, naturally. You may not have heard this before, but if you want to lose weight, you need to lose the built up waste that is responsible. Starting with foods that cleanse can help get you on the right path to permanent weight loss.

The most basic foods that cleanse have been called nature's body cleanser for centuries. These most basic foods are fruits. For starters, they contain natural cleansing juice that helps your body remove waste, break up fatty areas and help remove the toxins that are stored in fatty tissue.

The best fruits are citrus and berries. They contain antioxidants and anti-carcinogen compounds so you stay healthy. They help flush fat and waste, helping you achieve your weight loss goals easier. They are best eaten when fresh and organic in their whole, natural state. It is also best to eat them alone and in the morning or between meals. Keep in mind that no one ever got fat from eating too much fruit.

Fresh vegetables are also an excellent cleansing food. They provide nutrition that your body needs to be strong enough to remove excess waste. They also contain fresh mineral juice to keep your body strong and your metabolism high. The fibers in fresh veggies help remove intestinal waste that can contribute to excess pounds around your mid-section.

The best vegetables are green, leafy veggies such as kale, spinach, mustard greens, and various lettuces such as romain and arugula. Also get a variety of colors in your veggies such as orange carrots, red peppers, or yellow squash. The different colors designate different nutrients; so eating a variety gives you a better chance to get your full nutritional needs covered while consuming foods that cleanse your body.
Essential Fatty Acids may not be a food, but are a necessary component while modern research is proving it to be necessary for optimal weight loss. At the same time, it is a fact that we do not get enough of the foods that contain EFA's, mainly because these foods are still misunderstood.

First of all, EFA's, or essential fatty acids, are called that because it is a nutrient that your body requires but cannot manufacture. They help reduce internal inflammation which can lead to disease and even obesity. Your body needs these healthy fats to help remove unhealthy fats and fatty tissue. They are also necessary for supple skin, healthy hair, healthy joints, hormonal balance, digestive health and even proper brain function. In fact, in many studies, those that don't consume the necessary fats are prone to depression and even weight gain!
Foods that cleanse and contain EFA's include walnuts, avocadoes, flax seeds, and fish to name a few. We need a variety of EFA's such as Omega 3's from plants as well as Omega 6's from fish. Unfortunately in our society, we have been taught that nuts and avocados make us fat when the opposite is true. We are afraid to eat fish due to toxicity. We must change our way of thinking if weight loss is desired.

Commit now to eat cleansing foods containing the healthy fats every day if you want to lose excess weight and fat. Use olive oil and flax oil on your salad. Check your local health food market for an organic fish oil supplement to take each day. Find a mixture EFA supplement in your health store that contains primrose oil, borage oil, flax oil and more. Add this to your daily juice to ensure you get the maximum benefits of body and colon cleansing as well as weight loss.

Don't forget the lean, organic proteins because these are also foods that cleanse your body and your colon. Some people consider proteins, especially animal proteins, to be clogging, but when used correctly, the opposite is true.

In our society, we do tend to overeat animal protein with over-sized steaks and burgers. Your body is not made to digest such a large amount at one time so the undigested portion can inhibit your health. However, the right amount of protein helps rev your liver and make it strong enough to detoxify and neutralize toxins. It also helps rev your metabolism and burn fat, leaving your body lean and strong.

If you do eat animal protein, keep the portions small and organic. But there are other proteins that help your body cleanse. These include organic legumes,beans, sprouts, eggs, nuts and dark, green superfoods. All of these can provide usable protein to help your body stay strong and your metabolism working.
Keep in mind that there are foods that cleanse your colon and foods that clog and cause weight gain. Choose the foods that cleanse to help you feel lighter, lose weight easier and look your best while staying healthy. Your body will thank you for it.

Cindy Papp is a Certified Nutritional Counselor, a Certified Colon Therapist, and Detox Specialist working in the Los Angeles are for 18 years. Get more ideas on foods that cleanse your colon [] and learn how a colon cleanse [] can help you lose weight, look younger and feel your best.

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Friday, 25 October 2013

6 Negative Effects Of Eating Fast Food

1. Fast food has a very high energy density. About 65 percent higher than a typical diet and twice as high as recommended healthy diets which makes us eat more than we otherwise would. Energy density refers to the amount of calories an item of food contains in relation to its weight. Foods with a high energy density confuse the brain's control systems for appetite, which are based solely on portion size.

2. British researchers from the Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Center and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have determined that repeated eating at McDonald's or KFC or Burger King, people are more likely to gain weight and become obese. This is because fast food not only contains many more calories than traditional food, but also is more likely to undermine normal appetite control systems.

3. By eating a Big Mac and fries, the body consumes almost twice as many calories as you would if you ate the same weight of pasta and salad. Fast Food restaurants feed the obesity epidemic by getting people to eat many more calories than they need through persistent advertising.

4. McDonald's, KFC, and Burger King menu items using nutritional data from the fast food restaurants' Web sites, found that when we eat high energy density foods, we don't reduce the portion size so we get a lot more calories than we need. Our current society possesses a weak innate ability to recognize foods with a high energy density. Food intake is assessed by the size of the portion, yet a fast food meal contains many more calories than a similar sized portion of a healthy meal. The conclusion is we are all being fooled into eating too much food.

5. People get fat eating regular portion sizes, but since the food has a high energy density, people gain weight. In evolutionary terms, the human appetite was designed for low energy density foods. In other parts of the world where these foods are still the dietary staples, obesity is virtually non existent. Our bodies were never designed to cope with the high energy dense foods consumed in the West. That is a major reason why fast food in contributing to the major rise in obesity.

6. Another fact is that fast food may speed up people's risk of clogged arteries that can lead to heart attacks. Researchers at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in San Francisco have demonstrated that a certain type of fat, called oxidized fat, can accelerate the buildup of plaque in arteries. And many types of fast food such as hamburgers, pizza and French fries are loaded with oxidized fat. The conclusion is fast food meals are high in saturated fat and low quality carbohydrates, white bread and lots of soda. Our bodies require fiber and more healthful types of fats. Fast food represents a dietary pattern that is the opposite of what is recommended for a healthy body.

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Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Weight Loss Herbal Tea is a Great Way to Lose Weight by Drinking it Throughout the Day

Weight loss herbal tea can help us lose weight by drinking a cup of it every day as a weight loss supplement. The herbal tea cannot make us lose weight on its own, but it is a great helper for our bodies. Weight loss herbal tea is packed full of great herbs which can increase the speed our bodies lose weight, these herbs have many good properties which will help speed up our metabolism, cleanse our bodies of toxins, burn fat and calories, increase digestion and absorption of foods, fight viruses and bacteria, increase energy and so much more.

One of the great benefits of herbal teas is there is no caffeine, no chemicals just pure herbs from nature. That is all we need for our teas to work best, just place the tea bag or a bunch of the herb into a cup, fill with hot water and wait fifteen to thirty minutes.

Below is a small list of some very beneficial herbal teas for weight loss, each herb has its own properties and when blended together some herbs have an increased power. Remember the best herbs to buy are organic herbs, since you will be getting the highest quality.

Rooibos herbal tea, it is pronounced "roy-boss" meaning "red bush" in Afrikaans, this weight loss herbal tea has the power to help slow down the aging process by destroying free radicals which are tiny particles that cause our cells to break down and die off, it helps to relieve stomach ulcers, constipation, heartburn, insomnia and headaches. It is also very good at being a natural appetite suppressant, helping us to curve our over eating habits.

Cinnamon tea, this tea is great for losing weight, with some honey added it is even better. Never boil honey with anything, always use it raw. Cinnamon tea has many benefits, it helps to control blood sugar, reduces cholesterol, it helps kill bacteria and more.

Ginger tea, is another great weight loss herbal tea which is easy to make. Some of the benefits of ginger tea are lowering of cholesterol, an increased metabolism which helps burn fat, it improves digestion and is a great immune booster to name a few.

Ginkgo Biloba tea, this plant has many health benefits, it improves blood flow throughout our bodies, improves vision and memory, antioxidants for fighting disease, it may or may not directly reduce our weight but by helping us improve our blood flow and immune system we can help our bodies lose weight faster.
Yerba mate tea, this tea helps to lose weight by boosting our metabolic rate by 10%, it is good for blood cleansing, improving our nervous system, it helps with headaches, obesity, fatigue, arthritis, hemorrhoids, stress and more.

Acai Berry tea, this fruit is great as a juice or a tea, the acai berries have many good benefits to weight loss and our general health such as a stronger heart, better cardiovascular system, lowering levels of cholesterol, it's an anti-aging antioxidant super food and more. Nettle tea, this plant is excellent for losing weight, nettle leaves help to increase our thyroid function, which effectively helps us burn calories and fats faster, nettle also gets rid of mucus in the colon are allowing us to have better evacuation.

Ginseng tea, ginseng is an amazing root, so many benefits and it has been used for thousands of years. Some of its benefits are reducing cancer, control blood sugar levels for persons with diabetes, better immune system, helps lower bad cholesterol and more.

Dandelion Tea, this tea is full of many health benefits and can help with weight loss. It helps keep our liver, kidney and gallbladder all functioning at peak performance; it helps detoxification of our bodies, increased digestion and much more.

Licorice Root tea, has a great taste and is great for weight loss; it is used for people suffering from arthritis, constipation, inflammation and bronchitis. It is an anti-inflammatory agent and also helps in decreasing cravings for sweet foods.

St John's wort tea, this tea has some great benefits to our health, it helps to increase our serotonin levels to our brain, which helps us feel good about ourselves, it improve sleep quality, good at helping with hypersomnia, tension, insomnia and is a great appetite suppressant.

Fennel tea, this seed is a great weight loss herbal tea, it has many benefits such as dispelling gas, it is an appetite suppressant and improves energy. Fennel is also good for the kidneys, liver, lungs, spleen and more.
Hibiscus tea, a great tea for weight loss and many health benefits. This tea has the ability to help decrease the absorption of unwanted fats, it is good for cleansing our bodies, it has antioxidant properties which help reduce the aging process, it lowers blood pressure and so much more.

Hawthorn tea, is full of health benefits and one of them helps to reduce fat and improve our circulation, it also helps with improving our adrenal and thyroid glands and a lot more.

Lemon Tea, is an excellent weight loss herbal tea, lemons have antibiotic and antiseptic properties so they are great for fighting diseases, they aid in digestion as well and help us lose weight by reducing fat.
Acharya D Hargreaves, is a published author of two health books, Digest Alive Lose Weight and build a great body Naturally, Digest Alive The Natural Cure to Heartburn and the owner of [] a website dedicated to helping overweight and obese people with their weight problems.

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Sunday, 20 October 2013

Weight Loss With Zumba - What Is Zumba?

It is the exciting rhythmic dance that blends exercising with the rich cultures of Latin music, hip hop, the "Cha Cha" and even a new way to lose weight! As a weight loss program, this high energy lifestyle is one that many have considered fun and "outside the box".

Zumba: The Giant Party that everyone is invited to! This has been a worldwide phenomenon that has captured the hearts of many. Because of its unique structure and its unique approach to exercise and weight loss, many have used it with vigour and due diligence. Routines and hyper structured forms of exercise are what people usually experience. With Zumba, the fun and dynamics of the dances are sure to change the way people feel about exercising!

Reto Perez: Founder, dancer and spontaneous man of fun. This man had introduced to one class what became an international stronghold. He forgot his aerobics mix CD and decided to try out his Latin music as a replacement. The concept and execution went so well, he decided that he was onto something with this new wave of energy and fun from that class. Zumba! This is a dance created by and for people who wants to have fun. With a weight loss focus implemented, this may be the energy filled regime you have been looking for.

What starts out as structure will soon turn into fluid dance. Zumba is a program that has been inspired from creative and spontaneity. It is the example of releasing constraints and letting yourself be one with the music. It is also a high energy body work out that keeps fat burning and make for an ideal weight loss program. It also has benefits in the breathing department. Is it high in cardiovascular activity and therefore an ideal program for those who want to focus on breathing better and strengthening your lungs.

Worried about burnout? This is something that will rarely happen as this program wants you to have fun! And that includes allowing yourself to rest between sessions and stretches your workouts on days you need them. Zumba is also a program designed to get rid of your stress and allows you to be confident in yourself. It also helps with weight loss by means of teaching you discipline. Again, the fun nature of this exercise helps passively create a better, more in controlled "You". This lends itself to a great lifestyle change for those who have high stressed jobs and those who will benefit from the weight loss and carb burning exercise.

Overall, this is Zumba that incorporates fun into your life. It is made for people who want to have fun and learn a new way to exercise without feeling like it. With its high energy, weight loss and carb burning has never been more tangible. If you need more fun and become more healthier, than Zumba is for you!

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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Best Weight Loss Plan

How to Find the Right Weight Loss Plan

If you are among the millions of people who struggle with their weight, you may have had a hard time settling on a weight loss plan that really works. There are so many different products and plans out there that all claim to offer the best results. How can you develop a weight loss plan that will finally help you get rid of those extra pounds? This article can help.

It is important to make sure that your weight loss goals are realistic so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Don't try to lose a hundred pounds in two months, or plan to run a marathon in the next year if you can barely walk to the corner. Instead, set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve so that you are not disappointed.

You should also distinguish between your long-term and your short-term goals, and make sure that they do not conflict with each other. Each short-term goal that you achieve should represent real progress toward one of your long-term goals. As you achieve more and more short-term goals, you can revise your long-term goals to be more ambitious if you are doing particularly well.

As you work, keep your goals in mind and focus on them. Try to remove any distractions from your life that will prevent you from being fully committed to your goals. The more focused and motivated you are, the more likely you will be to reach your goals and achieve that ideal body that you have always wanted.

It is important to remember that weight loss does not happen instantly. You are not going to wake up the next day and suddenly weigh twenty or thirty pounds less. Weight loss requires real effort over a long period of time. If you want to be able to keep the weight off for the rest of your life, you have to be willing to make real changes to your lifestyle so that you do not fall into bad habits.

When you choose a weight loss plan, you are not making a lifetime commitment to it. If one plan is not giving you the results you need, feel free to make any adjustments that you need and see if those work better for you. If you are just not happy with a plan after a while, try a different one. The important thing is to commit yourself to the goal of good health, not to stick to a single plan even if it does not work well for you.
To successfully lose the weight and get yourself in better shape, you need to have a plan that will really work. If you do not know what you are doing, it is all too easy to get trapped in a cycle of rapid weight loss followed by equally rapid weight gain. By using the ideas in the preceding article, you can finally get rid of that extra weight and keep it off over the long-term.

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Sunday, 13 October 2013

Fruits and Vegetables Can Be Life Savers

The power of nutrition could save your life. We are at war and in a battle for our health. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables and an active lifestyle is the key to healthcare reform. If we are feeding the brain properly, we can eradicate many chronic illnesses. Ninety percent of diseases are preventable. Disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Trying to eat the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables everyday is almost impossible. In most families we have both parents working full time and do not have the time to prepare home cooked meals on a regular basis. Our children are at risk because of the choices that we make. Junk food is cheap and easy, but can lead to so many problems. 

We are in charge of what our children eat. Three things that is important to stay away from is high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils and dyes such as red #40. Sugar feeds cancer cells and suppresses the immune system. Cancer rates go down when eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Eating more fruits and vegetables will lessen your chances of any chronic illness. We need to color our plate with the many varieties of fruits and vegetables. The power of synergy prevents disease.

Everyday we should be eating apples, cranberries, oranges, papayas, peaches, pineapples, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, kale, parsley, spinach, tomatoes and a variety of berries and grapes. Do you eat those fruits and vegetables every single day? Poor nutrition reflects the number of people going to fast food restaurants, increased supplement use that are synthetic vitamins, the marketing on television that our children are subjected to, portion size, too much sugar and inadequate intake of fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. America's health crisis today is high calorie malnutrition. 

People are grossly deficient in the protective micro-nutrients that can come only from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Research shows that our bodies cannot absorb a lot of synthetic multi vitamins. Our bodies can only absorb things in its natural form and that is raw fruits and vegetables. The decisions and choices we make create our future. Lifestyles control our body. Our health is our number one asset. Investing in your health is the best choice that we can make. What is the gift of health worth to you? Research shows there are ways to bridge the gap between what we eat and what we don't eat.Learn about how to get more fruits and vegetables into your families diet.

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Saturday, 12 October 2013

Cancer Fighting Foods - How to Protect Yourself Against Cancer by Eating Healthy Foods

What are cancer fighting foods?

Healthy foods are more than just good for you because of the nutritional value they possess or because they are delicious but certain foods can prevent disease or even help in the cure. Foods that possess cancer prevention qualities are those that are common to everyday eating like tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, berries, certain bulk teas like green tea, foods with whole grains, the skin of red grapes and beans and the list goes on.
What foods are cancer-promoting foods?

Unfortunately there are foods that actually cause or at least contribute to cancer. Foods that are processed and contain ingredients like hydrogenated oils, sodium nitrate, artificial food colors, MSG and other preservative chemicals are considered cancer-promoting foods. Modern technology has made life a lot easier but has also created some real dangers to your health. Have you read the ingredient labels on the foods you eat? Pretty scary, isn't it?

Refined foods that are found in white rice, white bread, cereals, crackers, and baked goods like cookies for instance have all been found to be directly connected to causes of cancer. Eating foods that require a lot of refining, especially white bread are really bad food choices not only because they are cancer-promoting foods but because they translate to sugar in your system and will end up as unwanted stored fat.

What type of diet is considered an anti-cancer diet?

Obviously a diet that contains the foods that have powerful ingredients for cancer-prevention should be a big part of this diet. Also, fighting cancer is about adding as much nutrition, minerals, and vitamins as possible. This is from the foods you eat as well as the drinks you choose. Drinking eight glasses of filtered water is essential for any diet as it keeps your body hydrated and flushes out impurities. A high fiber diet containing foods that have high fiber content like legumes or anything from the bean family, and broccoli or leafy vegetables for example are important ingredients to your cancer fighting diet. Any foods that contain antioxidants will be greatly beneficial like beans, apricots, and spinach to mention a few.

Another important consideration in a cancer-prevention diet is to eat as many pure or organic foods as you possibly can. Organic foods are grown by farmers who do not use the chemicals and pesticides that others growers use to process their products. Instead of using chemical fertilizers and weed killers, the organic farmer will use manure to fertilize, mulch to keep the weeds under control and crop rotation to protect the plants. Even though organic foods, which should be labeled as such, are more expensive they are well worth the extra money.

Finally, be sure to include as much fresh garlic in your diet as you can. Garlic is an amazing food that studies have found to be not only extremely advantageous in cancer-preventing but also helps with the colon, stomach and esophagus to promote good digestion. Try including a clove a day.

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Friday, 11 October 2013

Low Calorie Soup Recipes - 4 Healthy Soup Recipes for Weight Loss

Soups are extremely healthy and nutritious. There are basically two kinds of soups: clear soups and thick soups. There are many kinds of healthy soup recipes and low calorie soup recipes for fat loss which will not only satisfy your taste buds but also provide you with nutrition and help you stay fit.

Some of the low calorie soup recipes for fat loss are as below:

1. Cabbage Soup:

Ingredients: Half head of cut cabbage, 2 diced carrots, 4 sliced green onions, 1 can of diced tomatoes, 1 bunch celery, 1 cut green bell pepper, cooking spray, 2 tablespoon chopped parsley, salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste, water.

Directions: Put cooking spray in pot and saute the green onions for a while, then add the bell pepper. Add cabbage and celery and carrots. After a while add water and cover. Let it simmer and cook on low heat for a long time. You can check on the water and season it with salt and pepper. Garnish with chopped parsley, you can add cayenne pepper while cooking if you want it to be a little bit spicy. You can add mushrooms too. This is one of the healthy soup recipes!

2. Potato and Leek Soup:

Ingredients: 1 chopped leek, 5 diced potatoes, 500 ml vegetable stock, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoon chopped parsley.

Directions: Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add leek. When it becomes slightly brown, add the potatoes and let it cook on low heat for half an hour. Stir occasionally. Now add the vegetable stock and mix well. Simmer till it thickens. Cool the soup and blend it until smooth. Pour in bowls and enjoy this low calorie healthy soup!

3. Chicken Lemon Soup:

Ingredients: 80 grams cubed skinless Chicken breast, 1 grated carrot, 1 grated celery, 4 finely chopped shallots, 800 ml chicken stock, 2 lemons, 2 tablespoon olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.
Directions: Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the carrots, shallots and celery. Add the chicken cubes. Cook for a while stirring occasionally. Add the juice of the two lemons along with the stock. Sprinkle salt and pepper and let it simmer for about 45 minutes. Enjoy this low calorie soup recipe!

4. Carrot Soup:

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon olive oil, 5-6 chopped carrots, 1 chopped onion, 10 grams of root ginger, 1 cube of vegetable stock, 3 cups water, 1 tablespoon basil, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Heat a pan and put oil then add onion, carrot and ginger. Cook till onion becomes soft. Make vegetable stock with the cube and water and add to the pan. Bring it to a boil and simmer for half an hour till carrots turn soft. Add salt and pepper and blend this in a mixer and add little water if required. Garnish with basil and enjoy this healthy soup recipe! It is a bright color soup and can be enjoyed with a toast.
Try one of these low calorie soup recipes for fat loss. These soups are low in calories and still provide a wholesome meal. You can diet without starving!

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Tuesday, 8 October 2013

The Secret To Weight Loss And Feeling Great

The general belief is that there is some magic secret to losing weight, looking better, and feeling great. The myths people believe are that a complicated diet must be followed and you have to spend all waking hours at the gym. The reality is actually quite simple, although most don't want to believe the truth. Most people don't want to look for the answers, but rather hide behind a set of complicated excuses.

So what's the big fitness secret that is so incredibly simple? Eat better and go to the gym. Sorry, it really is that simple. Does eating better need to be a highly complex process with all sorts of hard to find foods? Not by any means, rather increasing fruits and vegetables and avoiding processed food is a great way to start. Fruits and vegetables have been what mankind has been eating since the dawn of time; not a diet rich in fast food. It is also a really good idea to avoid things that are carbohydrate heavy like pasta and bread. Lean meats are preferred and it is best to avoid super sugary sauces if possible.

What about going to the gym? Ideally, most people should aim to be at the gym three to four times per week, and perhaps a day or so of cardio. Most of us leave fairly sedentary lives, spending far too much time sitting down. This is largely in part due to spending most of our working hours seated.

There are a multitude of gyms and it is best to find the right type of gym for your personality. Group fitness classes are growing in popularity right now, and they are a great alternative to some of the traditional "big box" gyms. Group fitness classes, like Crossfit, are a great way to meet new people and get a total body workout.

Although it isn't often associated with weight, loss sleep is a very important factor. It is best to get eight or more hours of sleep every night. We all have busy schedules, but our bodies need time to rest and recover, and sleep is a great way to this. Do your best to try to get as close to eight hours of sleep, and cat naps are also very beneficial.

It is important to remember that big changes in the body don't happen overnight. No one goes from 50 pounds overweight to being completely toned with an amazing body in an instant. It takes time, but if you can stay disciplined and focused, you will see results. Remember that it isn't a complicated process and there are three important factors to abide by: eat healthy, go to the gym, and get plenty of sleep.

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Monday, 30 September 2013

Why Weight Loss On The Raw Food Diet Is Inevitable

More and more folks than ever are ditching modern fad diets for weight loss and are undergoing sustainable and sensible lifestyles. The healthier a person's lifestyle choices, the quicker a person's body will return to its optimal weight. I have never come across any diet that is healthier or more nutrient-dense than the raw food diet. In fact, I can safely say that weight loss will inevitably occur whilst following a raw superfood diet plan. 

Your weight loss will pretty much begin from day one of your raw food journey! Of course you won't magically leap from overweight to skinny overnight, but your results will be steady and constant. Let me discuss two primary reasons why this is the case.

The nutrient-density:
Nutrient-density relates to the ratio of the nutrient content to the energy content of food. Therefore, because living uncooked foods are nutrient-dense, the amount of vitamin and mineral content is high whilst the foods total energy content (calories) are low. How does this apply to weight loss? It means that because your body will be fed generous amounts of vitamins and minerals, your cravings will be kept to a minimal. Of course cravings are still going to occur sometimes, but not as much as they would on an unhealthy fad diet. You can be assured of proper nutrition whilst on the raw lifestyle. This is one reason why weight loss is so much easier on a raw food diet.

The low energy content:
I briefly mentioned in the previous paragraph that the raw food diet is low in energy content (ie, the calories are low). Let me expand on this a little bit more. Just imagine that you had two large platters on the table. The first platter was covered with greasy chips, a bacon and egg burger, a coleslaw (not lacking with mayonnaise), a sticky-date pudding and a couple of scoops of ice-cream. The other platter was filled with grape tomatoes, avocado slices, cucumber sticks, some watermelon, rock-melon, cherries, raw chocolate, walnuts, dates and pumpkin seeds. Which platter would have more calories on it? The first platter of course - you wouldn't have had to think twice about it! Why is that? This is because saturated fats, oils, meats, mayonnaise, refined sugars and dairy products are calorie-dense foods that makes weight loss nearly impossible! The second platter contained much fewer calories because raw foods are generally low in fat content, the sugar is natural and your body can digest raw foods much quicker than cooked foods. Living superfoods will fill you up easily but will also slim you down easily. This is another primary reason why weight loss will inevitably occur whilst eating large amounts of raw foods in your daily diet.

So to recap why slimming is guaranteed on a raw food diet: living superfoods will fill you up, offer you a low amount of calories, a high amount of nutrients, and will also ensure that your food cravings are kept to a minimal. Increasing your amounts of raw foods in your diet is clearly the way to go when weight loss is a goal. I am certain that you will be amazed at how fast your body will slim down if you decide to venture into the raw food lifestyle.

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Sunday, 22 September 2013

Developing a Fitness Attitude - A Healthy Weight Loss Program Approach

Exercise is Not a Four Letter Word
It's obvious that the word 'exercise' has more than four letters, but many of us will agree it sounds like a four-letter word.

Indeed, many people feel so negatively about exercise, experts often advise using the term 'physical activity' instead. No matter what you call it, moving your body is critical to feeling and staying well. And to achieve and maintain healthy weights, it's key. The sticking point generally comes when we try to do it. (Regardless what Nike says, there's a bit more to it sometimes than just doing it.)
So here's Green Mountain's take on how to keep going when you just don't want to do it.
  • Focus on feeling good. That may mean rethinking your goals. If they are to lose weight above all else, you might find yourself facing some serious motivational challenges as you pass through the normal peaks and valleys of everyday energy. To find more motivation, refocus your goals to feeling great, having energy to do the things you want, and staying healthy. You'll likely find your weight moving to a healthier place, too. Read about Green Mountain's top ten reasons to exercise. .
  • Choose to move in ways you enjoy. It's really, really hard to do something we don't like doing. So when it comes to exercise, find things that are fun! Yes, they do exist. This may mean you need to change your definition of exercise. Or call it physical activity instead. See our list of Top Ten Reasons to Exercise.
  • Forget doing it perfectly - just move. We're talking about those recommendations that say we need to get so many minutes a day at such and such intensity in order to get the full benefit. It's certainly good to have a goal, but remember: something is better than nothing. If you're squeezed for time, do something in the time you have.
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Sunday, 15 September 2013

Magical Weight Loss Foods

When all is said and done there is still only one way to lose weight. You have to burn off more calories than you take in. Exercise is an important part of that equation, but we are going to take a look at some foods that can help you achieve your weight loss goals. As a general rule weight loss foods are those that make you feel fuller without adding all kinds of empty calories. Adding these foods to your diet on a regular basis will help you to lose weight faster. Here are some of the top contenders.

Beans are at the top of list for several reasons. They come in many varieties, meaning they're versatile and you don't have to get bored eating them every day. They are low in fat, but very satisfying. They are packed with protein. And they contain plenty of fiber, which not only adds to how full you feel, but also reduces your risk for several diseases. The only thing you have to watch out for are re fried beans that have extra fat added, and canned beans that are too high in sodium. But you'll be doing yourself a tasty favor by eating any variety of dried beans.

Whole grains. There's one change you can make in your diet that's very easy: stop eating refined grains. The "refining" process gets rid of most of the good stuff, making them so void of nutrition that they actually have to re-add nutrients to make the process complete. All of that so our bread and rice can be pure white. To be blunt, it's ridiculous. Start eating whole grains to get the full nutrition nature put there in the first place.
Olive oil (or any other oil high in monounsaturated fat). Surprised? Yes, it still has many calories as any other kind of fat (9 calories per gram) but fat adds to the feeling of fullness. It also adds a nice flavor to many different foods. Besides olive oil is one of the healthiest fats that you can. So, while it may seem to be a lot of calories up front, the amount of calories you eat later will actually go down because it's so satisfying.

Oatmeal is another one of the best weight loss foods out there. A few years ago it got some good press for being able to reduce cholesterol. It's true, it is. But did you know that it has about the same amount of soluble and insoluble fiber? 

Again, it makes you feel fuller and is good for your overall health. Plus, it's low in calories. Most people think of oatmeal as a breakfast food, but it has a flavor that works well with many different foods. Therefore, it can be incorporated into any number of dishes throughout the day. There are many more weight loss foods, no question about it. But the four mentioned above will give you a great start on losing weight. Keep trying to reduce the bad foods, and increase the good ones and your waistline and health will be the better for it

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Saturday, 14 September 2013

The Best Workout For Weight Loss - Cardio or Weights?

You know exercise is good for you, and you want to have a fit body, but you only have so much time in your day and cannot do it all. 

What do you focus on, cardio or weight training? On the other hand, perhaps you want to buy some home fitness equipment, but are not sure about the best thing on which to spend your limited funds. Do you buy the treadmill or the weight set? 

Despite weight training's reputation as a "jock" thing for he-men who want to bulk up, the answer for most people is weights. 

While cardio exercise can help you to increase your heart health and stamina, and can burn some extra calories while you are engaged in it, weight training can help you get stronger, tone your muscles, improve your appearance, increase your metabolism to burn calories more efficiently all day long, and fight age-related muscle and bone loss. If you must choose between the two, weight training comes out the winner, easily.

Weight training is strength training, using a variety of weights for resistance. In the same way that cardio exercise strengthens your heart and lungs by providing stress on your breathing and circulation, weight training improves your overall body strength by providing enough stress to different muscle groups that they adapt and grow stronger. Weight training also helps with the following:

•Lose weight and maintain fat loss: Muscles are thirsty for calories, so the more lean muscle mass you have, the more efficient your body will be at converting that smoothie into the energy you need to keep going all day. For every 3 pounds of muscle you develop with weight training, your body will burn an extra 120 calories a day simply vegging out on the couch! That can mean about 10 pounds of fat lost per year, without even forsaking your favorite treat. Yes, please.

•Reduce the possibility of injury: Unlike the pounding action involved in many cardio exercises, correctly training with weights can actually protect your joints and spine. Strong muscles connected to joints helps to protect them from injury, and increased core muscle strength contributes to better balance and a stronger back.

•Develop bone density: Just as muscle mass naturally diminishes with age and inactivity, bones lose strength and density too. Strength training increases bone density, helping to prevent fractures due to brittle bones or osteoporosis.

•Boost your stamina: As you develop stronger and more efficient muscles in all parts of your body, fatigue will be outdated, and everyday activities will no longer make you want to lie down for a nap in the middle of your day.

Too often, people focus solely on the number of calories burned during their workout, or the number they see on the scale. Focusing on either of these is shortsighted when it comes to your health and fitness. Instead of watching the "calories burned" readout on the treadmill and being satisfied when you hit your magic number, consider how your body is expending calories outside the gym and after your workout. Weight training exercise, by developing calorie-thirsty muscle tissue, increases the number of calories you burn all day long, no matter what you are doing.

So, spend those limited funds on the weights, and the majority of your limited workout time on weight training to build your muscle strength. Your body will thank you, and your mirror will become your friend.

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Sunday, 8 September 2013

Aerobics for Effective Weight Loss

According to a US study conducted recently, aerobics is the best solution for losing weight as it burns the excess calories. This is why aerobics remains one of the most popular ways to lose weight ever. Aerobic exercises not only help lose weight but also have long term health benefits. Also, aerobics can be fun and really enjoyable.
There are various kinds of aerobic routines, ranging from the step aerobics routine in which a raised platform is used to perform various exercises to the water aerobics in which movements are done in chest high warm water. Aerobics also include active sports like swimming, basketball, tennis, soccer etc.
Are you thinking of losing weight? Do you want to shed those extra pounds?
Here's why you should go for aerobics:
  • Burning Calories and Losing Weight:
It is a known fact that aerobic or cardio exercises help you maintain your weight. The excess energy required to perform aerobic or cardiovascular exercises is obtained from the calories that you get from consuming food and beverages. As a result, your metabolic rate is increased and high amounts of calories are burnt. Losing weight without any medical procedure requires you to burn more calories than you can consume. Along with reducing body fat, aerobics also reduces blood pressure.
  • Aerobics Help You Overcome The Sudden Cravings For Eating
Another reason why aerobics is such popular and effective in reducing weight is that it helps you overcome the erratic hunger pangs. This happens due to the increase in your leptin level which suppresses your desire to eat a lot. Leptin is a protein that balances appetite and metabolism thus regulating energy intake and expenditure.

Here are some statistics that would make the picture clear. An hour long low-impact routine can burn up to 545 calories and a more vigorous one can burn from 511 to 763 calories. Brisk walking for an hour can burn around 414 calories whereas running can help you burn up to 1,472 calories.
However, it must be kept in mind that if your aerobics exercise routine is not regular you might not be able to lose weight as desired. Also, if you consume enough extra calories to meet your increased energy needs you will fail to lose weight.

It is advisable to exercise at least three times a week for 20-30 minutes at a time in order to benefit from your aerobic exercises. Reduce intake of high fat food, sugary food and alcohol to avoid extra calorie intake.
Other benefits of aerobics are:
  • Releases the natural pain killers of your body.
  • Enhances immune system.
  • Increases agility and is also considered to increase your IQ.
  • Improves muscle strength.
  • Improves balance and coordination.
  • Reduces stress, thus resulting in better sleep patterns and no depression.
Aerobic exercises are certainly extremely beneficial not only for healthy weight loss but also for your overall well-being.

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Saturday, 7 September 2013

Weight Loss For Women Weight Training

Weight Training Myth

Well here's a fact - the main hormone for increasing muscle mass when weight training is Testosterone, now this hormone is obviously in both men and women and it is this that creates the big muscles through weight training, however women only have about 7% of testosterone their male counterpart has, this means you can go to the gym or do your own home workouts and do the same training as the men but you will only ever make 7% of the muscle mass gains as the men. Because of this genetic make up no matter how hard you train you will not end up like Mr Universe.

Weight training will help you lose weight quicker than cardiovascular and aerobic workouts with the added benefits of increased strength, firmer and more toned muscles, stronger bone density and increased flexibility.
Women body builders who get very muscular use Anabolic Steroids (synthetic testosterone) plus other drugs to get that high degree of muscle mass definition.

Weight Training Increases Chest Size
Unfortunately weight training will not improve chest size, due to the fact that women's breasts are mainly fatty tissue and it is a physical impossibility for fat to turn into muscle, therefore weight training will not give you bigger breasts as weight training loses fat, if you go below 12% body fat your breast size will however decrease, weight training does however increase your back size, so when measuring this increased size probably gets mixed up with cup size.

Weight Training Makes You Stiff and Muscle Bound
We have already established the fact that as a woman your testosterone levels are only 7% that of a man so you are not going to generate lots of muscle mass, therefore we are not going to become muscle-bound.
Regarding making you stiff, the trick is, whatever exercise you are doing you need to take it through its full range of movement, for example, exercise like flyers, dead lifts, chin ups and presses stretch the muscle in its bottom range of movement, so by performing the exercises properly through their full range of movement your stretching abilities will be increased.

If You Stop Your Muscles Will Turn to Fat
This is like turning gold into silver. It is a physical impossibility for muscle tissue to turn into fat as they are two completely different types of tissue.

What happens is when you stop training completely you start to lose muscle through the lack of activity (as the old saying goes "use it or lose it") ideally when you get your ideal body rather than stop you should train at least once a week and do an overall body workout, this will put you in maintenance mode, stick to your good eating habits and this one workout a week will keep you in shape.

If you fall back into your old eating habits coupled with a slower metabolism due to inactivity it will make it look like your muscle is turning into fat, but actually you are losing muscle and gaining fat. Long term weight loss doesn't come easy but doing it the right way the benefits out way the hard work, the right information is essential to reach your goals quickly and safely and the right supplements will add a boost a long with the right nutrition. Get on the right track now lose your first 2kg within a week and carry on getting firmer, fitter, leaner and stronger start now.

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Thursday, 5 September 2013

Try Some Healthy Weight Loss Drinks

Today, weight loss drinks have become the easiest route to a slim physique, However, lie peddlers and bogus products have hit the market with a vengeance. Hence, it is hard to find a product that is both healthy and effective. Nonetheless, this does not rule out the fact that there are some wonderful beverages in the market. If you intend to shed those accumulated body fats, you will need to be extra careful with what you buy.

Some products are not only a waste of your money but can also a danger to your health. This reality affects not only the weight loss drinks but also other weight loss products like processed low carbohydrate diets and weight watchers meals. The following are a few of the available weight loss drinks that will effectively help you burn fats safely.

Apple Cider Vinegar
The first drink is the apple cider vinegar. Though it does not taste very nice, this beverage is extremely effective in triggering fat loss and in improving general body health. It incorporates numerous healthy nutrients and vital vitamins as part of the ingredients. The active agent in the drink is vinegar, which helps to remove all undigested foods from your body. These undigested foods usually accumulate as solid deposits in the body and thus increases the body weight. By getting rid of solid deposits, it effectively cleanses the system and improves the efficiency of the metabolic process. A single teaspoon of the drink, taken three times a day is the recommended dosage.

Water is the next to be considered, due to its importance and availability. No low-calorie or low carbohydrate drinks can ever compare to plain water when it comes to weight loss strategy. Water cleanses the body, amplifies blood circulation and helps in the excretion of body wastes. In the end, metabolism is improved, both in terms of speed and efficiency, such that all ingested foods are digested without solid fats being stored. Given that 70% of our body is water, clean, natural water is the basic requirement of our body. The recommended amount of water intake is eight glasses a day. Water is the most readily available and is unique to all weight loss drinks, and you can never have too much of it. As a result, if you feel like taking more than eight glasses of water, just do it.

Cranberry Juice
The third is natural cranberry juice, which is ranked by dietitians to be among the most potent of weight loss drinks existing in the market today. It works efficiently and naturally as water in triggering high metabolism. If you do not quite like drinking plain water, you can mix the two together. With water and cranberry juice being your main drinks, you should stay away from other processed drinks and soon you will see great improvements in your health.

In all these weight loss drinks, the key lies in their ability to improve metabolism. Fast and efficient metabolism process ensures that all foods are digested and not stored as solid fat deposits, particularly when aided by exercises. The efficient and fast metabolism breaks down all stored fats in the body to energy, leading to weight loss.

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Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Weight Loss and Mental Attitude

If we talk about diets, in these days we have at our disposal a wealth of content and information about low-calorie foods, lifestyle, nutrition methods, fitness, and natural products. But for some reason we tend to forget that our mind is the cause of all the circumstances of our lives, and our body is often a mirror of our thoughts and mental attitudes.

When we are overweight we tend to blame external factors such as glandular imbalances, inheritance, a demanding work schedule, lack of time to exercise, and much more. The list is really endless, because when we do not take care of our weaknesses, we tend to be very efficient inventing excuses.
There are out there unscrupulous people writing about that we do not have to put willpower to lose weight and maintain it, but they are simply cheating naïve persons. For anything that we want to achieve in our life we have to pay the price. It has been rightly said that there is no way to get something for nothing and this applies to maintain our ideal weight.

There are three things that can help you to achieve the right mental attitude and lose weight.

The first is the large amount of information available to all people who sincerely want to lose weight. In magazines, TV, Radio, and Internet, every week we can read articles from people who specialize in nutrition, recommending the most appropriate food to lose weight in a natural way. Take note that by simply taking foods free of fat and cholesterol, this inevitably will help you to lose weight. Also we may find recommendations about physical exercise, and we have on the internet free fitness videos.

The second thing is to learn about how to achieve self-discipline. All successful people in any activity have based their careers on a strong will and a right mental attitude to achieve specific objectives. The good news is that there are a lot of free online methods that can help you to develop this willpower. If you make a search on the internet, you will find many free online books of classical authors that have helped many people.

The third is to choose an alternative activity such as yoga, meditation, or tai chi. All these disciplines have demonstrated over many centuries to be very effective to rearrange the subconscious mind and achieve positive levels of mental calm. This is very important to control cravings, or the temptation to eat foods that often we don't need.

Again it is not possible to get something for nothing, and like everything in life you have to use your inner strength. If you take advantage of the above methods you will control your weight more easily.

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