Monday, 26 August 2013

Anti Aging Weight Loss Diet - 5 Best Anti-Aging Fat Shredding Fruits and Vegetables

The greatest benefit to eating foods which will help you live longer are also foods which will inevitably keep your weight down, therefore an anti aging weight loss diet is essentially a diet to help you lose weight thus making you live longer.

It's no secret that men and women in the U.S and in some parts of western Europe consume some of the highest saturated fats and processed carbs on the planet. Saturated fats are those found in fast food, freezer foods and those with a long expiry date as saturated fats are used to extend the shelf life.

Processed carbs are everything from cakes and doughnuts to soda's, buns and pastries etc.
Through continually consuming both these food types without any exercise, because your body has difficulty breaking these down, as they are in essence synthetically manufactured, this is what contributes to the continual build up of fat reserves.

There are of course healthy fats and carbs and this is where an anti aging weight loss diet comes into play.
Now for rapid weight loss, which is never advisable as your body may deliver some discomforting side effects, these types of diets would not be beneficial where longevity is concerned.

For a longevity diet that will deliver both healthier insides, more importantly healthy arteries and a rejuvenation of your skin on the outside, this will therefore make you lose weight gradually and safely.
So, the nut's and bolts of a longevity weight loss diet fall under 2 main food types, vegetables and fruits. For the purpose of this article meat is excluded and this is solely due to the fact that it has been proven that individuals with by far the healthiest arteries are vegetarians. Period.

If you were to consume meat, then fish is extremely beneficial in providing omega-3 acids which are rich in powerful anti-oxidants and can do wonders for your bone strength and overall skin health. Most highly recommended are salmon and sardines. However it's because vegetables and fruit are higher in water and fiber this is why they are the most beneficial.

Best 5 Vegetables for Anti Aging and Weight Loss:

Knotweed: Used to treat anti inflammatory diseases and high cholesterol levels, communities who consume this in their staple diet retain some of the highest number of centenarians in the world. The secret to Knotweed is that it contains Rezveratrol. That now famous polyphenol that scrubs your arteries.

Green Cabbage: A Harvard University study showed that cabbage has more nutrients that protect against cancer than any other vegetable. Fresh cabbage juice is also shown to completely restore your gastrointestinal tract and according to Stanford University, heal ulcers within seven days.

Broccoli: Packed with antioxidants and vitamins B6, C and E, it helps decrease damage associated with diabetes and is argued to help protect against brain injuries.

Spinach: Packed with vitamins A, B, C, D and K it is argued to reduce the risk of cancer of the liver, ovaries, prostate and of the colon.

Cauliflower: Containing allicin, which helps reduce the risk of stroke and contributes to a healthy heart, it also helps detoxify the liver and the blood.

Best 5 Fruits for Anti Aging and Weight Loss:

Apples: One apple a day as they say keeps the doctor a way. An old folk tale but the USDA food pyramid chart along with many clinical studies show apples to be incredibly healthy. Always eat fresh and at least 2.5 inches in diameter.

Apples help balance blood sugar levels and in short, they benefit your mental clarity, fight of risks of prostate cancer, help with Crohn's disease, ward off cataracts and macular degeneration, control asthma, prevent gout attacks, prevent heart attacks and help heal heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disorder.

Pineapple: High in bromelain, an enzyme that promotes digestion, it helps prevent swelling after a trauma, promotes healthy joints, reduces arthritis, reduces angina and relieves sinusitis.

Oranges: Pectin in oranges is a natural appetite suppressant, where oranges also lower bad cholesterol levels, they help reduce the risk of certain cancers and help fight childhood leukemia.

Blueberries: Rich in the compounds that strengthens your collagen structure, these powerful antioxidants are so prevalent that they push this fruit right to the top of the antioxidant anti-aging food tree. One of the best sister plants from blueberries is Acai, which is an essential weight-loss supplement for any dieter.

Tomatoes: Packed with the antioxidant lycopene, preventing degenerative diseases and the reduction of the risk of certain cancers, a tomatoes also promotes the fight of inflammation, lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and esophageal whilst reducing prostate, colorectal, lung, stomach and pancreatic cancer.

Obviously eating too much of anything will contribute to weight gain, so an ample serving amount per day mixed up throughout the week of the fruits and vegetables listed above is a simple adequate guide to fulfilling your anti aging weight loss diet.

For Topical Anti Aging Face Creams that contain many of the anti-aging antioxidants listed above:

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Saturday, 24 August 2013

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - 8 Proven Steps to Lose 7 Pounds in 7 Days

I desperately needed to lose weight for my wedding and I had no time to waste. Thankfully, I was able to shed 11 lbs the first week and 7 more pounds on the following week so I not only hit my goal with flying colors but I also felt fantastic and had the time of my life.

The only downside was losing this much weight in a week wasn't healthy, but when I noticed how great I felt, not to mentioned looked, it motivated me to keep the weight off by following other more natural and healthy tips.

How I Lost 10 pounds in a Week
Before you read these eight proven steps, keep in mind losing weight this fast is not healthy. However, here are the exact steps that I followed to lose more than ten pounds in a week.

Step 1: I started with one day of detox. This will help you cleanse your body of toxins so you can lose weight quickly. To do this, all you need is ginger, honey, and lemon juice mixed with water. Whenever you get hungry, drink it instead of eating. Amazingly enough, I felt fine all day long. There were never any cramps, dizziness, lack of energy, or any other side effects.

Step 2: I desperately needed to lose weight fast so I limited the types and amounts of foods I ate. Specifically, I ate nothing but vegetables, lean meats such as fish, eggs, and fruits, eliminating any carbs. I always drank 16 oz. of water before each meal to feel more full and prevent over eating. Just be sure to add a serving of vegetables or fruits to some type of protein being lean meat, eggs, nuts, or grains keeping each serving proportionate.

Special note: Try to avoid any carbs such as potatoes and bananas during your first week. Anything with starch is a definite enemy of quick weight loss.

Step 3: Add at least two apples and a can of your favorite black beans to your daily diet. Eating in smaller portions more frequently will speed up your metabolism so you can add these apples and beans into your diet as snacks or two smaller meals in between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.. I usually ate the beans with a serving of veggies followed by an apple. These fibers will not only clean your digestive tract, but also supercharge your fat loss.

Step 4: Eat breakfast everyday and do not eat after 7pm. If you have a later schedule then give your body at least 3 hours to digest food before going to sleep. Eating breakfast will increase your metabolism. This will give you more energy for the day and help you burn more calories. This is extremely important for healthy weight loss. Also it's important to drink 10-12 8 oz glasses of water throughout your day. This will keep you from feeling hungry and will help boost your metabolic rate.

Step 5: Spread your calories out during the day. To prevent myself from feeling hungry all the time, I would usually snack every 2-3 hours eating 5-6 times a day. This gave me three meals and 1 small snack in between.

Step 6: Limit unhealthy foods. I love junk food, but in order to lose weight quickly I had to either eliminate it or cheat and eat something earlier in the day when my metabolism was higher.

Step 7: Use alternatives. Instead of drinking juice, eat fresh fruit. Instead of using sugar, use a sweetener. Just use your head here. Anything that has sugar is bad for you so either limit your intake or eliminate it all together.

Step 8: Keep busy and stay motivated. When you're busy you don't have time to eat. I wasn't working at the time so I started cleaning and organizing everything around the house. I even found some old but shocking pictures of me in a bathing suit for a little motivation. If you want to lose ten pounds in a week then follow these 8 steps. There simple and they work. However, the most important thing to keep in mind when trying to lose weight fast is to watch what you eat. Some foods actually make you gain more weight than others so it's important to know which ones to avoid.

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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

How to Choose a Good Diet Plan for Weight Loss?

The truth behind weight loss may not be always what you see at the face value.

First, you should realize that weight loss involves 100% dedication and a diligent adherence on your part towards the set diet plan. Make sure there is not even a slight deviation from your target.

Prepare a checklist to chalk out a good diet plan, which includes:

i. Your lifestyle You may not be ready to remodel your lifestyle drastically. For example, if you practice just 2 meals/day and the schedule stresses on 4-5 times/day, then you may not feel comfortable with it.

ii. The level of exercises you undertake In case you like to take up exercise sessions on your own, with no rigid conditions, whereas the proposal forces you to do exhaustive exercises at a stretch, then you should think twice before choosing it.

iii. Suitability to continue It is not wise to stick to a diet plan just temporarily; you should feel good to follow it throughout your life.

iv. The ingredients
Sometimes, you may be required to replace the usual items with food that is prepared in a special manner or has some unusual ingredients. Check if you are comfortable with such a requirement.

v. The pace at which you aim to lose weight Understand the difference between the actual loss of weight and the seemingly quicker loss of water, which may give a wrong impression. So, it is advised that you aim at reducing your weight in a slow and steady manner.

vi. The elimination of any kind of undesirable habit you possess. You may have to give up habits like spending the night time in a bar or being a couch potato to accommodate the new plan of diet.

vii. The possibility of including your all-time favorite items Denial of your favorite foods can lead to an unstoppable urge to indulge in overeating binges, which is detrimental to your weight loss preparation.

viii. Your ability to adapt to changes that are recommended Determine the nature of changes you will need to adapt to so that you can prepare your mind and body!

ix. The need to use any supplements or detox techniques Most of the times, you don't need any kind of supplements as a perfectly followed schedule of food intake and exercises is self-sufficient in managing the pounds you gain and lose for a healthy body.

x. The nature of the plan If you like flexibility, you should choose a plan that allows you to select your own menu that is by all means a healthy platter.

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Friday, 16 August 2013

Motivation To Lose Weight: 3 Essential Mindset Tips

OK, so your probably reading this because you've decided to do something about your weight, but can't get motivated enough to start making those changes. Well, your not alone. Many people find them selves waiting for the right time, for the right circumstances to make a start, but can't seem to find motivation to lose weight.
In this article I'll share with you three simple ways to keep motivated and carry the momentum forward to achieve your goal weight. You'll soon learn that having the right mindset Is everything when it comes to losing weight and getting fit. So let's get stuck in...

1. Mindset matters: Most people tend to focus on the more physical side of diet and exercise, and don't give a thought to what is needed mentally when the going gets tough. It's the same with any challenge or obstacle you want to overcome in life. Without the right mindset to start with, your almost destine to fall at the first hurdle.
Think of something you've achieved in your life. Some moment when you were totally certain of the result before you achieved it. Maybe it was in school, during a sports match or the night you met someone special. A moment when you excelled beyond all odds.

Before this achievement there must have been a time when you made the decision to commit, and the thought of giving up was out of the question. All decisions that make real changes in life have this unshakable certainty.
I believe that the power of a single decision can totally change your life. So now's the time to commit! Be honest with yourself and stop making excuses. Make your decision to lose wight final, and you'll soon start dropping the pounds and become the person you want to be.
2. Be Positive & set goals: We all have a dark side to our minds. That negative voice that always seems to be there in the background somewhere, telling you there's no point in trying, You've failed before and you'll fail again.

Try to replace this voice with a positive massage every time you start to doubt yourself. Make up a few words like "Enough's enough, I can do this!" or "This is easy, nothing can stop me!" Well you get the gist of it...
Also try to visualize yourself in 6 - 12 months time walking down the street, as the new slimmer you. Your wearing an item from your new wardrobe, you've achieved your goal weight and your looking fantastic. This will help you relax and keep you focused on your goals.
Well planned goals can help convert thoughts into action. Although positive thinking is essential, you must be realistic about your goal setting too. Don't expect to lose 10 pounds in a week. This can only undermine your efforts.
Keep a journal of your goals, your action plan and your progress. This can be fun...
First off, write down your goals for the next 12 month. Jot down anything that comes to mind even the silly things. How much wait are you going to lose? What dress size will you be? Where will you go, what will you do once you've shed the weight?

 And so on...
Next write a plan of action. How will you achieve your goals? How many calories must you eat per day to start losing weight? Are there any recipes you'd like to try to spice up your evening meal or make lunch more exiting?

Also, write down an exercise schedule and what you need to get started? This way you can easily track your progress to see if you're meeting your goals. If you plan to run, how far are you going to run? what time a day and how many days a week?

It's a fact that by writing things down, you can not only keep track of progress, but maintain your focus and motivation. It's also a good idea to write down any thoughts and feelings your having and congratulate yourself when appropriate.

3. Get up & do something... Just make a start!: This is my final and most obvious peace of advice to get motivated for weight loss.

First of all, there is no such thing as a perfect time, or the perfect circumstances to start. Don't make the excuse of waiting until after Christmas, or when you get back from holidays. There's always going to be someones birthday party around the corner.

By making the decision to taking action right now, you'll start the ball of momentum rolling, which will fire endorphins in your brain, giving you a feeling of well being. You'd better get used to it because you'll have that warm glow of achievement wash over you after every exercise session, every time you step on the scales and most of all, when someone you know tells you how slim your looking.
Sometimes we all need a little help, a push in the right direction. Rob Davies is a diet and fitness researcher with an obsessive passion for the weight loss problem.

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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

5 Everyday and Even Healthy Food Groups That Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

1. Not all vegetables are created equally. Vegetables that are that are very high in sugar levels and high on the gylcemic index (often referred to as GI, where the glucose in foods is used as a baseline to determine their GI number) are to be avoided when you are trying to lose weight. The top 5 vegetables to avoid are beets, corn, parsnips, red or white potatoes and turnips.

Weight Loss Tip: Hopefully I haven't lost half of you by telling you that corn and potatoes are killing your chances of losing weight because there are dozen of yummy vegetables you can eat! Red and green bell peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, bean sprouts, broccoli, celery, cucumber, eggplant, endive, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, peas, pumpkins, radishes, sauerkraut, snow peas, spinach, squash: yellow, butternut, spaghetti, acorn, string beans, sweet potatoes/yams, tomatoes, watercress and zucchini.

2. Not all fruits are equal either. It's pretty obvious that some fruits are much sweeter than others, and these bad boys are brutal on your waistline when you are trying to lose stubborn fat. You must avoid these fruits when you want to lose weight: ripe bananas, pineapples, raisins and large servings of watermelon.

Weight Loss Tip: Here are tons of sweet fruits you can eat: apples, apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, grapes, kiwi, mandarin oranges, nectarines, oranges, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, strawberries and tangerines.

3. Bakery Breads! You knew this one was going to be here! And these delicious delights are destroying any chance you have of losing those pounds. Here are a few of the culprits: french bread, dinner rolls, pistolettes, baguettes, pita bread, sliced white bread, and any breads that have sugars added such as corn syrup and molasses.

Weight Loss Tip: There is tons of yummy bread you can eat! Any sprouted bread (my favourite), whole rye bread, sunflower seed bread, whole-grain spelt bread, whole-grain bread, whole wheat pita and pumpernickel bread.

4. Beverages! The top killer to you losing weight! Completely avoid colas, sodas, juice and sport drinks with added sugars such as high fructose, corn and syrup - these drinks are keeping you fat!
Weight Loss Tip: Water! Drink your water people! Coffee, decaff coffee, herbal teas. crystal light, and diet Snapple.

5. Alcohol! I hate to be party killer Kate, but some alcohol is totally unacceptable when your goal is to lose weight. You must avoid beer, hard liquors with mixers containing added sugars and sweet after-dinner wines such as port and sweet sauternes.
Weight Loss Tip: You can enjoy red and white wines. Scotch, bourbon, rye, rum, tequila and vodka are also lower on the GI list. Enjoy!

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Saturday, 10 August 2013

Fast Weight Loss By Detox

The key to quick weight loss by detox is to consume as many vegetables as you can. While this wouldn't be difficult for many Americans who enjoy vegetables, there are many people out there, particularly men, who refuse to eat any vegetable other than the potato. Because of this, their bodies are missing out on a wide variety of nutrients and are becoming very acidic from eating nothing but protein.

One reason that many people do not lose any weight is simply because they don't get the necessary enzymes, vitamins and minerals that you need in your daily diet - even if you eat a lot of vegetables! You can juice vegetables and cook vegetable soups to get a variety of veggies incorporated into your diet, but you can only consume so many. Therefore, you need to supplement your idea for quick weight loss by detox. The best way to do this is by taking supplements that are designed to supply with the necessary fruits and vegetables you need in your diet. In one drink or one pill, you can quickly consume enough vegetables you need for the day, which is ideal for the person who abhors vegetables.

Antioxidant Science is a great organic energy drink that provides you with an instant five servings of fruits and vegetables. Containing a large amount of antioxidants, Antioxidant Science provides one benefit that people who don't eat fruit miss out on. With free radicals in the body causing aging and inhibiting proper digestion, antioxidants are a must to bind and neutralize these harmful agents. With Antioxidant Science you will find that quick weight loss by detox is easy and your digestion is improved. Liver Detox is a synergistic plant formula containing milk thistle and hepatoprotective amino acids and herbs. This combination helps to remove the daily toxins that build up in your liver and restores your body's natural balance while maintaining the health of your liver. After taking Liver Detox, you will feel refreshed and energized.

Probiotic Science is a supplement designed to help the body fight against the environmental toxins around us and in our foods. If you can't afford organic vegetables, adding this supplement to your diet will help to fight off the toxins that may be present in conventional vegetables. This supplement is designed to support healthy cholesterol and to combat physical stress as well.

For all around body health, Omega Science is an essential supplement. This supplement contains a blend of DHA, EPA and Omega-3 essential fatty acids that are recommended by the American Heart Association. This combination not only protects your heart, but is also good for your skin, eyes, brain and immune system.
Finally, for quick weight loss by detox, add Weight Science to your diet. This supplement helps to manage weight loss by combining 100% South African Hoodia Godonii to the diet to control hunger and boost calorie burning. This product contains no harmful stimulants and also assists in carb digestion.

By adding these various supplements to your diet, you will not only ensure yourself that you're getting all of the necessary nutrients you need to be healthy, but you'll be ensuring quick weight loss by detox. All of these supplements are available through the online store at Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat.

Dr. Roni Deluz, RN, ND, PhD is a life style consultant and owner of Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat. She is also the author of "21 Pounds in 21 Days," which debuted #3 on the New York Times Bestseller list. She is a registered nurse, colonic therapist and naturopathic doctor. She travels across the country helping people to make their lives better and healthier via natural health sciences.

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Thursday, 8 August 2013

Weight Loss by Cardio Exercises and Strength Training

There is controversy about two varieties of exercises. For some, a good cardiovascular training regimen results in being in great shape and having endurance. For others, lifting weights and resistance training should be implemented in their daily schedule. Looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't everyone's dream, not unless you are a passionate bodybuilder. But thinking that a thorough cardiovascular workout, six times per week, is sufficient enough to help keep yourself in form and healthy, shouldn't even cross your mind since both (cardio exercise and weight training) should communicate, in sync.

What you eat and drink can play a major role to keep your blood pressure level healthy. In general, the healthier that you eat, the more reduced your blood pressure levels will be. Salt can be a key offender in raising blood pressure and most people eat way too much of it since we should be eating under 6g every day, nevertheless the majority of people are eating around 9g. All this extra salt makes our systems hold onto excess water, which then raises blood pressure. 

It's not entirely too hard to cut down on the white stuff, just attempt to shake less at the table and when cooking. You may also try and boost flavors with spices and herbs or seasonings like chili, ginger or lemon juice instead of salt. But it's essential to remember that around 80 percent of the salt in your diets emanates from manufactured foods, so beware the hidden salt in bread, breakfast cereals, and cheeses.

You may possibly feel slightly out of breath when you first start doing cardio workouts. The reason for this happening will be your respiratory system is just not accustomed to the additional oxygen required for your muscles working out. Yet, the more you do, the simpler it will become in your case. For example, the 1st time you try going out for a walk around the neighborhood, it may be very hard. You might feel warm and sweaty and commence to huff and puff. This is simply how the body supplies your working muscles with oxygen. With time and consistency you'll recognize that your body isn't panting for air anymore. This shows that the body is making changes to adapt to the increase in exercise. Your respiratory system gets stronger and you'll have higher stamina.

One cardio exercise that may be done in a room is running on the spot or running forwards and backwards over a small space. Doing this for 20-30 minutes provides a descent work out and best of all can be done as you're watching a movie or hearing music, that will make exercising significantly easier. This particular workout is even better if your treadmill is utilized, nevertheless they can be expensive. One problem with running right then is that it places more pressure around the feet and subsequently can cause foot aches and even leg aches as the body compensates for that pain. This is particularly prevalent when it has been a while since a previous workout, often leading to shin splints which could take some time to heal.

For a complete bodybuilding abs workout, you need to target the different aspects of the abs. The most common being active is the crunch. To perform a crunch, lie down on the floor using your legs either straight, or bent. Now, position both hands behind your neck and pull yourself up for the ceiling. Now pause for a second or two, then lower yourself slowly back to the floor. Do not crunch straight, because this can injure your back. Just raise your back from the floor a couple of inches. To increase the effectiveness, visualize your abs contracting on how up. You can also hold a weight or lie with an incline bench, if you think like really pushing your system to it's limits!

Cardiovascular, or "cardio" for short, essentially means the center. Cardio exercises raise your pulse rate for a time period, training your heart and lungs to get stronger. It is referred to as aerobic exercise. As the term indicates, aerobic exercises necessitate steady delivery of oxygen for the muscle tissues, with the coronary heart sustaining the concentration of the workouts.

Regarding fat loss, for an exercise program, intend to spend a maximum of thirty minutes once every couple of days, this is because parts of your muscles need time and energy to heal, and to rebuild muscle (thereby translating fat into muscle), and you will not experience soreness. For the fat loss program of exercising for brief periods of time every several days, even in front of the television, is a simple enough program to keep up. For fat loss that tone or build muscle, exercise ought to be both fat burning and muscle building at the same time. Do many repetitions of each exercise, and as many sets as possible... for weight reduction, you need to work muscle tissue and produce sweat. Do your repetitions as close together as is possible... work SLOWLY towards your weight reduction goal! Weight loss, true fitness, and mastery within the martial arts requires long-term and repetitive workouts.

So little Johnny's not thrilled about running a half-hour on a treadmill? It's already hard enough for adults, who see the importance, to exercise on a consistent basis. I've trained children, I can tell you by experience that they get distracted and bored that much easier. Introducing overall wellness at an early age is very important and it's up to us to provide them a fun option.

In fact if you consult a specialist he would direct you to do specific exercises for the body to take out cellulite formed at specific places much like the stomach along with the legs. For example, jogging and riding a bike are good exercises whenever you look forward to take out the cellulite formed with your thighs.

Exercising isn't hard at all once you get into the swing of things. The hardest part is taking that first step into exercising and once that has been accomplished, take it one step at a time.

So many people are trying to lose weight without any success. We have put together some simple methods for weight loss that are so easy that it should work for anyone.

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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

How to Stop Food Cravings to Speed Up Weight Loss

If you want to shed the pounds off and lose weight, what you eat and how you eat can have an impact on your weight loss goals. Eating the right kinds of food and at regular intervals of time will ensure that your body is given the proper nutrients and will not crave for food. Usually when you're hungry, you will tend to eat whatever you can and this is not good. By having a proper schedule for your meals everyday and the right types of food in your diet, you will no longer need to crave for food during the day.

If you're losing weight, you should stop food craving. Usually when you're in this state, you will eat quite a huge amount in a single sitting and this will just have a negative impact on your weight loss objective as this will result in a lower metabolism meaning your body will be more inclined to store fat rather than burn it. Excess fat means excess weight. Usually when you eat too much food in a single sitting, you will consume lots of calories and chances are great that there will be extra calories in your body and the calorie excess will be stored as fat.

This is where comes the concept of eating the right kinds of food at regular intervals in small quantities just like a body builder's diet which can apply for the weight loss individual as well. By eating every 2-3 hours in small quantities, your metabolism will become more active increasing the fat burning process and not the fat storing process. But the types of food you eat is important too. By including more protein and vegetables and limited carbohydrates in your diet, your weight loss goal will become successful with time.

You might be surprised if I tell you that you can eat 4-6 meals a day but still lose weight. That's definitely possible. Don't just look at the quantity of the meals you're taking per day. Those meals are in small quantities and contain foods which are very low in fat. There is emphasis on fat because fats contain more calories than protein and carbohydrates. This is why eating too many fats will increase calorie and fat storage. Your diet should be very low in fats mostly saturated fats. Healthy fats like olive oil and omega-3 fish oil which are found in oily fish like salmon, trout, sardine and herring for example are good for your body and can be included in your diet. 

Vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, green beans are some of the recommended veggies and for the fruits, you have orange, kiwi, peach, apple among others. And lean protein such as skinless chicken breast or turkey breast, white fish fillet, salmon fillet are recommended. Complex carbohydrates such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams can be added to your diet. Also drink lots of water daily because water can reduce hunger and as a result, food craving.

By eating at regular intervals and the proper kinds of food, your body will get the required amount of vital nutrients everyday and you won't be hungry since you're eating every 2-3 hours. If you were following the normal 3 big meals a day, you will tend to snack on everything in between meaning eating junk food as well. If you eat at noon, you won't be able to wait till dinner to eat again say at 7 pm. Chances are you will snack in between.

 If you've been able to wait, you will become very hungry at dinner time and you will eat quite a lot and this isn't good notably during dinner since you're less active. For dinner, it's best to eat less focusing more on protein and vegetables and limit your carbohydrates intake since you don't need much energy at night. Eating 4-6 meals rich in protein, vegetables and limited carbohydrates will ensure your body's metabolism remaining active and food craving very low and as a result, your weight loss will speed up coupled with exercising which should be done as well.

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Sunday, 4 August 2013

Weight Loss Using Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the most trusted natural products to increase your overall health is apple cider vinegar. In use since the time of the Ancient Greeks, it has been reported to cure everything from colds to muscle pain.

With body image becoming such an important factor in modern life, apple cider vinegar has been explored as a possible fat burner. Its ability to speed up the metabolic process as well as support healthy digestion has caused many to declare it the next major supplement in the field of weight loss.

It contains acetic acid and pectin which help block the absorption of fat while ridding the body of cholesterol. Your body is aided in burning calories throughout the day with your small intestines absorbing less fat overall, causing them to be more effective. There is also a great number of minerals found in apple cider vinegar including iron, calcium and potassium used to support healthy bones, hair and teeth.

Vinegar itself can sometimes act as an appetite suppressant with the ability to regulate blood sugar levels. If a person's blood sugar level is stable, he or she is less likely to fall victim to a sugar crash. The first reaction to a sugar crash is to grab the nearest source of carbohydrates to shoot your blood sugar back up.

The problem is usually the quickest carbohydrate you grab isn't going to be healthy for you. Apple cider vinegar regulating those levels prevents a person from grabbing something that may inhibit their weight loss goals.

Studies have shown apple cider vinegar also plays a role in the levels of cholesterol in the body. One study found rats who were fed food mixed with apple cider vinegar experienced lower levels of LDL ("bad") and HDL ("good") cholesterol.

Adding as little as 1,500 mg per day will help you not only burn fat but may help promote good blood circulation, improve metabolism and relieve arthritis stiffness. The supplement doesn't have to be taken only in its liquid form to be effective, however. Due to the rather bitter taste of vinegar, companies have begun to offer it in capsule form. 

Apple cider vinegar has shown to be most effective when used in combination with other elements. Creating a salad dressing, which normally has bitter tendencies, with apple cider vinegar masks the taste more than ingesting the vinegar directly. No matter your reason for trying apple cider vinegar, it remains highly recommended for so many health reasons, you really can't lose. 

eVitamins is the leading healthy lifestyle management destination across the web. It offers an array of tools, apps and other items including latest vitamin reviews, health encyclopedia, health news, etc. Whether you are looking to buy vitamins/supplements or just for information, eVitamins is the right place. You can find best vitamins including liquid vitamins at discounted prices.

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Friday, 2 August 2013

Chili Peppers for Weight Loss - Lose Weight Lightening Fast With Red Hot Peppers

This is not a joke or a fancy idea. The fact is that red hot chili peppers can be highly effective when used as a slimming aid. It is long known that red pepper can boost metabolism.

What it means is that it can increase your body's capacity to burn fat. Most weight loss products aim to boost your metabolism to deplete fat reserves in your body. Chili peppers contain a compound that is called Capsaicin. It not only provides a spicy taste to red peppers but is also known to create heat inside your body. This heat boosts your metabolism and this process in termed as Thermogenesis.

There are a couple of studies which now confirm that capsaicin can ensure weight reduction in animals and humans.But a major problem that has remained with using red peppers for losing weight is that when used in large quantity red peppers can result in irritation in your mouth, throat or stomach.

However, technological advancements have taken slimming supplements to an entirely new level.
Red pepper is being used an an active ingredient to formulate fat burner pills that now come with an outer coating. The significance of this coating is that it makes the supplement really light on your system and as a result there is no irritation in your mouth, throat or the stomach.

Over and above, such a coating ensures that the capsule breaks down in the intestine and not in the stomach. The Ph level in your intestine is higher than in the stomach and this further prevents any sort of gastric irritation. What is really amazing about such a fat burner is that it can ensure weight loss even if you do not work out. However, for best results, it is always recommended that you combine light or little exercise with such a fat pill to ensure lightening fast weight loss.

Even a couple of Hollywood celebrities are known to have used supplements that are made with red peppers or capsicum extract to lose weight naturally and safely.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Mentality For Weight Loss

Many individuals struggle to achieve their fitness goals, whether they're just exercising, bodybuilding or actually trying hard to lose weight. How much of their effort is physical and how often do they actually involve their minds in their activities? For the most part losing weight; or becoming fit is almost like trying to quit smoking. If we don't actually put everything into it including our minds the outcome looks bleak. We'll struggle to reach whatever goals we have set for ourselves, but in the end we most likely will only achieve minimal results.

I feel that first off, an individual has to want to lose weight. It can't be fueled by the insults or opinions of others. We have to look at ourselves and want to change. That's the first step, after really deciding on the reason for losing weight or whatever you are after is realized then we can move forward. That step is all mental. After that we plan, we sit down and mentally decide on what type of exercise/weight loss program we want to dive into or what can fit into our lifestyle. (This part is a huge mental struggle)

It is always easier to give up or to make excuses why we can't workout today, that part is easy and one of the biggest mental problems we face. But when it comes down to it, no matter what we tell yourself it's because we're lazy. With TV, video games and any other so called types of entertainment downers we mentally find something easier to do with our time that's not so productive. (All mental)

So when those of us that are not fully on board mentally start a fitness program it becomes a quick failure because we see other possible activities in the back of our minds, which in turn reduces motivation and we start questioning ourselves again. We fail be we are not mentally prepared, we're mental quitters.

Of course this is not always the case some weight issues are truly caused by medical conditions, but even in many of these cases there are options and again we add one more excuse to our play book as to why we cannot carry on with our fitness program. (Lazy and mentally degrading)

We are only as motivated as we mentally prepare ourselves to be and we teach our children that this is OK by zoning out in front of a television. We mentally destroy ourselves and for any of us to achieve any goal or to lose the weight that we want to lose then we have to focus, we have to plan, and we have to prepare ourselves to go that extra mile. We have to mentally push ourselves forward even when we see other options for taking up our time.

Find a friend, a family member and get started on mentally preparing yourselves for a healthier tomorrow.