Wednesday, 31 July 2013

New Weight Loss Formula

Sustainable Weight Loss

Ever wondered how some people manage to sustain their weight loss and other people lose weight and put it back on again. If you fall into the last category it may interest you to know that I have researched how some people are able to sustain their weight loss, for the rest of their lives. What motivation and determination do they need to obtain this and how is it possible to obtain it.

The result of my research has been collated in three FREE eBooks including a video on how to exercise to lose maximum weight.

The eBooks provide a step by step approach to losing weight and don’t involve fad diets or countless exercise routine. It will show you how to burn fat fast, in a healthy and achievable way and the motivation you need to stay on track.

To get the eBooks and free bonus videos
Just  provide your name and email address in the box on the right hand side and I’ll send it to you straightaway.  

All the best with your weight loss goals. 


Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Staying Positive on Weight Loss Journey

Staying positive is a key component in accomplishing all your weight loss goals. Dieting is very hard and requires dedication and discipline; it is very easy to lose motivation after only a few weeks, as you may not be seeing the results you expected and this is when negativity and doubt can creep in. It becomes very easy to lose focus and forget what makes you special. 

You need to remind yourself everyday, fall in love with yourself! If you remain positive you will achieve all the goals you have set out and get the body you deserve. A crucial element for successful weight loss: Recognise any negative attitude and mental patterns. You must deal with these before you will progress with your weight loss. Let these negative thoughts go and replace them with positive thoughts and focus on what you really want. Take back control and make better choices

The mind is a powerful tool in influencing behavior, whether we persevere with an endeavor or whether we quit all comes from the mind. By allowing negativity to seep in, we limit ourselves and we will never know what we are really capable of. By staying positive we can reach our full potential, this is especially prevalent when we are dieting to lose weight. Positivity will give us drive to reach our weight loss goals by conquering the limitations we put on ourselves.

Some studies have concluded that our bodies maintain the weight that our minds have become content with. So in theory by seeing yourself as a overweight person your body will find a way of accumulating weight. This weight gain can be harder to remove unless you remove the negative thoughts from your mind and replace them with positive affirmations. 

If the mind can conceive it the body has to find a way to achieve it. Picturing yourself when you have met your weight loss targets or on the beach in your new bikini will push you through. Visualizing the rewards of weight loss will set in motion a rush of good feelings and you won't get discouraged. At the end, weight loss is about health, feeling good as well as looking it. You must love the skin you are in right now even if you are not at your desired weight or dress size. All bodies are beautiful. Everybody deserves to feel great and there is nothing better at achieving this than a positive mind!

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Vegetable Soup Diet - Lose 10 Lbs a Week

A vegetable soup diet has the dual advantage of being very nutritious as well as low in calories and contributing to weight loss. As a result, it forms the core of many different diets and it is possible to even design your own soup diet and select ingredients according to personal preferences.
There are some important matters to consider no matter which approach you take to a vegetable soup diet - whether to adopt one that is known to be popular or concoct a recipe of your own.

1. Canned foods tend to have a high salt content, so try to avoid these in your soup if possible.

2. Potatoes have a high glycemic index - they are absorbed more readily into your bloodstream, so use these in the mix sparingly, if at all.

3. Many cookbook recipes for vegetable soup also specify a lot of salt, so be alert to this and keep the content as low as possible. The presence of sodium salt encourages water retention in the body, so adds weight.

4. Use as many fresh vegetables as possible.

Here is a nutritious, delicious and easy to prepare recipe and daily plan for a 3 day diet which will shed about 5 lbs weight:


1 16 oz can of beans or lentils
1 16 oz can of diced tomatoes
Several sticks of celery
1 large onion
1/2 head of cabbage, chopped
16 oz pumpkin, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
Seasoning as preferred
Beef or chicken stock, as preferred
Cover with water and boil for 10 minutes, then simmer until the vegetables are tender.
No alcohol or bread to be consumed.
Day 1: Eat only fruit and soup today. As much as you like of both, spaced throughout the day with about six meals to minimize hunger. Do not include bananas in your diet.

Day 2: Eat veggies today, along with the soup. Again, as much as you like in about six meals spaced throughout the day. The veggies may be cooked or raw. Give preference to green leafy veggies if possible. At dinnertime, a treat is allowed in the form of a baked potato with butter.

Day 3: Have all the soup, veggies and fruit that you want but no potato.

After 3 days of this diet, you should be about 5 lbs lighter and can return to moderate helpings of your normal diet. If you have problems with bowel movements, a cup of bran will help.

As outlined, this diet is intended for a period of only 3 days, with a break of 4 days normal eating before following the diet again. A variation of this diet which covers a 7 day period is based on the Sacred Heart Diet. It aims for a weight loss of 10 lbs:

Day 4: Because your body now requires additional potassium, carbohydrates and calcium, eat at least three bananas throughout the day and drink as much skimmed milk as you want. Also have at least one serving of soup.

Day 5: 10 - 20 oz of meat is allowed - beef, skinless chicken or broiled fish. Not fried. Have up to six tomatoes, along with at least one serving of soup.

Day 6: 10 - 20 oz of meat is allowed - beef or skinless chicken, not fried. Also as many veggies as you want, especially green leafy ones. One or more servings of soup.

Day 7: As much soup as you like. As well, cooked veggies, brown rice and unsweetened fruit juice is permitted. By the end of day seven, it's likely that you will be at least 10 lbs lighter.

This vegetable soup diet plan has plenty of nutrients as well as protein and carbohydrates. It is not intended to be adopted as a lifestyle and some may find it too stringent to follow. However, a weight loss target of 10 lbs requires that some persistence must be shown to achieve this. The practices outlined offer a useful guideline for changes in eating habits that may allow further weight loss if this plan is only loosely followed (or adapted to your needs) beyond the seven days.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Effective Weight Loss Using Herbs

Although herbs have been used as traditional medicines for many years, modern societies have only just began to realize the effectiveness of these herbs. Indeed, losing weight can prove elusive, unless you know the best approach to take. Using natural herbs is a good place to start because effective weight loss using herbs ensures that you are shedding off weight in a way that is not harmful to your body. There are plenty of herbs in the market place; consider some of these well-known herbs to aid in your weight loss goals.

Appetite Suppression Herbs

Guarana acts as a stimulant to the nervous system. This herb contains guaranine which helps in relaxing the body, reduces feelings of depression and boosts the body's stamina. Due to its properties, guarana is effective in suppressing emotional eating which is triggered by feelings of stress. If not controlled, emotional eating can significantly affect your weight loss goals.

Guar gum comes from guar beans. Guar gum has the capacity to suppress your appetite, increase the metabolism rate, restore the good cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar levels. What makes guar gum an effective weight loss herb is that it slows down the digestive process thus giving you the feeling of being full, for a longer period.

Flaxseed is effective in losing weight the natural way. Flaxseed herb is packed with essential fats which the body requires to carry out its physiological functions. This means that when you consume flaxseed your body will not crave fatty foods, which are a major contributor to unhealthy weight gain. The reason your body craves fatty foods is because it lacks the nutritious essential fats provided by herbs such as flaxseed.
Metabolism Herbs

Green tea contains compounds that enhance your body's metabolism rate such that the body is able convert fats into energy at a much faster rate. Incorporate green tea into your diet regularly to experience its weight loss benefits. Stubborn weight gain is often as a result of your body's low metabolism. This means that your body is digesting food too fast and burning fats too slowly, causing an over accumulation of unwanted fat.
Natural spices such as cayenne pepper, capsicum, hot mustard, turmeric and chilies help in regulating the body's metabolism rate. Spices warm up the body, increase blood circulation, and speed up the rate at which fats are broken down into energy. Use these species daily by sprinkling on your healthy diet.

Regulatory Herbs

Ginger root encourages the digestive system to produce enzymes which aid in the proper digestion of food. Production of these enzymes means that the food you eat is thoroughly broken down (higher metabolism) and is evenly absorbed into the body.

Ginseng is a natural root which aids in alleviating chronic fatigue. The herb is used to restore the body's stamina and to boost your energy after a period of emotional or physical distress. Ginseng also provides you with the energy to exercise regularly and to have a healthier existence.

There are numerous weight loss programs, all affirming their effectiveness. But a good number of these weight loss programs, supplements and diets are fad diets which can be detrimental to your health. Admittedly, effective weight loss using herbs does not happen overnight, but you will begin to see better results which last longer. Bear in mind that even the best herbs will not be as effective if you do not commit to a regular exercise and healthy diet regimen.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Stress Management and Weight Loss Go Hand in Hand

In Chinese, the closest word for stress contains two characters. One of these characters signifies 'opportunity' while the other 'danger'.

The danger part is apparent. Stress is bad news. That's because chronic stress leaves us vulnerable to a host of physical and mental illnesses. In fact, it is now understood that fully 95 percent of all illnesses are either caused by or are worsened by stress. Just thinking of all the harm stress brings into our lives is enough to make us say oooommmmm.

But that list is just the beginning. Adding to it, stress reduces our life satisfaction, wrinkles our skin and as new research shows, can even shrink and age our brains. Chronic stress even slows digestion, leaving food to stagnate and bacteria to flourish in the digestive system. This can lead to leaking gut syndrome, and yes, it's about as pleasant as it sounds. Stress also increases cortisol, which instructs our bodies to store fat, and destroys and kills the brain cells in the hippocampus responsible for memory.

OK....take a deep breath.


Why is this happening?

Our body was designed in a very specific way. To eat small, frequent meals, rest based on the rhythm of light and dark, move, and receive small bursts of adrenaline infrequently, like when being chased by a bear or when extra energy was needed to take down a doe.

Nothing in our biological design prepared us for the nutritional pollution available in abundance in every kitchen and on most street corners, or for a sedentary lifestyle, overworked conditions and late night TV. Bring into the equation the never empty coffee pot, the energy drinks we are so fond of and sugar we consume by the pound and it's no wonder we are a burned out, over-stressed and exhausted society.

Our diet plays a leading role in how our body manages stress. A diet that is high in sugar and processed foods and low in protein and healthy whole foods leads to a chain of events that deplete serotonin, the feel good hormone that creates happy moods, reduces anxiety and irritability and helps us to sleep. It also decreases the important mineral, magnesium, which in our current eating plan, we don't replace.

To get a better understanding of how important magnesium is to our diet, look at a few of the ailments linked with the loss of magnesium: anxiety, autism, ADHD, headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, irritability, muscle cramps and twitches, insomnia, sensitivity to loud noises, palpitations, angina, constipation, anal spasms, fibromyalgia, asthma, kidney stones, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, PMS, menstrual cramps, irritable bladder, irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, trouble swallowing and more.

What's the good news?

To be fair, stress can also be good. Remember that the Chinese have two characters for the word stress - the other is 'opportunity'. If handled properly, stress can be a catalyst to growth and positive change. Like the butterfly in the chrysalis, it is only through the process of becoming caterpillar soup and then fighting it's way out of its enclosure is it truly that beautiful winged creature that we so admire.

So, how do we handle being caterpillar soup with grace and dignity and without wrecking our health? We must first truly understand stress, the effect it plays on our body and commit to manage it in a way that is healthy for our body and mind.

Perhaps the 'opportunity' is the good part  of stress. It's the part that requires a shifting of perspective, a growing, a re-framing and adjustment to life...the strengthening of character that makes one deserving of reaching ones dreams.

And the really good news?

Managing health deteriorating stress is easy. By simply changing your eating patterns, adding some important nutrients and minerals and practicing stress management techniques - all easy things to do - you can minimize its damage and maximize its potential gifts. Here are some strategies you can use to begin taking control of the stress in your life, beginning today:

Shift your perspective

People who've triumphed over stress have done so not by eliminating stress entirely from their lives, but rather by filtering and responding to stressful experiences in more constructive ways. Reframe negative thoughts in a way that create a sense of control over a situation. It's interesting that two people can board a plane. While one reads a book and is relaxed during take off, the other has the hands clenched to the armrests and is breaking out into the sweat. The answer lies in how each person frames the event, their perception of control or perceived control. 

Clinical research confirms that perception of not having control is always stressful. So whether it is a cross the country ride, your struggles with a demanding boss or a schedule that is bursting at the seams, re-frame your thoughts into empowering sentences that support the notion that you are that the wheel of your own life. You are, you know. With few exceptions, you are fully at choice in your world. You can leave your job, reduce your children's activity schedule. You CAN have those important conversations and make those necessary requests.

Go to Vegus

Learning techniques to stimulate the vegus nerve turns on the parasympathetic nervous system, reduces cortisol levels and enables the relaxation response in your body. Ready to flip your vegus switch? Simply take a breathe deep into your belly for a count of 7. Feel your belly expand and your navel to extend as you breathe in fully. Pause for three seconds, then breathe out slowly to the count of five. Do this five times and you've just activated your vagus nerve, turned on your parasympathetic nervous system and reduced your cortisol levels. Do this 3 times per day - before getting out of bed, at lunchtime and at bedtime for optimal benefits.

You can also try one of the many options available that help you relax and reduce stress. Yoga, meditation, massage, prayer, painting, listening to music, dancing, making love and journaling are all proven amazing ways in which to hit the pause button in your life. Get this...people who meditate regularly have an increased brain size, along with better mood and cognitive functions. And, they have a better sex life!

Fuel up with the right foods

To eliminate food induced stress, stop eating junk. Switch to whole foods in the form of fruits and vegetables to add lots of color, and calm, to your life. Switch to lean proteins and add herbs like turmeric, ginger and garlic to your diet. Drink green tea. Chew each mouthful of food at least twenty-five times. By doing this, you are releasing epithelial growth factor which is needed to repair and heal the lining of the digestive system.
Subsidize your diet with important nutrients and minerals

In today's nutrient depleted soil, getting the proper amount of important nutrients is difficult. That's why it's important to consider adding these important supplements, if you are not getting enough in your food choices.
~Multi-vitamin - Many times, the basic nutrients you need can be found in a good multi-vitamin. Buy cheap, get cheap so investigate the source and purchase a supplement your body will absorb and not simply excrete into the toilet.

~Magnesium amino acid chelate - 400-600mg
~Calcium citrate - 600-800 mg
~B vitamins - combination of:
Folate (also knows as folic acid) - 800mg
B6 or pyridoxine, 50 mg
B12 1,000 mcg
~Vitamin C - 1,000 mg
~Omega 3 - 3,000 mg

These guidelines are general, exact doses may vary from person to person. Remember to always consult your health provider before making changes to your health routine. He or she can address any special needs your particular body requires.

Move your body

As Dr. Hyman says, "if it were a pill, [exercise] would be the biggest blockbuster drug of all time." But, sadly, exercise is a magic pill that most people won't take. In addition to reducing stress, exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, corrects and prevents insulin resistance, improves mood, reduces inflammation, increases neuroplasticity and neurogenesis and balances hormones. In addition, exercise can improve the function of the brain, prevent cancer and dementia and improve your sex life.
Dust off those tennis shoes and move for 30 minutes each day in a way that is fun for your. Whether it is playing kick ball with the kids, walking outdoors or dancing in the living room, move! Buy a step counter and set a goal for 10,000 steps each day. Come, on....just do it.

Sleep more

Contrary to popular belief, sleep is not a luxury. It is an essential component to our body's regular maintenance and repair program. One of the really cool things about sleep is that when you take care of the other areas of your life, sleep generally comes. By eating nutritiously, practicing stress management, correcting issues such as magnesium deficiency and exercising normal sleep patterns can be restored. Working on positive imagery and utilizing deep relaxation tools while avoiding stimulating activities such as watching TV, surfing the web and drinking caffeine prior to going to bed.

To sleep more soundly and create a brain that is attentive and fully tuned into the world around you, create a calm environment and mind. Pull the blinds and keep the room at a comfortable temperature. Write down your worries and your to do list for the next day. Stretch or do a ten minute yoga routine and practice your vegus stimulating breathing. Or try a hot water bottle on your solar plexus which warms your core temperature and helps trigger sleep (snuggling up to a warm partner helps too.)

Healing Yourself

Your body has a remarkable ability to heal itself, if only you give it the time and space and environment to do so. By on purpose and by design choosing the foods that you eat and the life that you live, you can make a powerful difference in your health, your well-being and your survival on this planet. Begin today to implement your own strategic life plan.

Lynette Patterson is a weight strategist and life extension specialist, dedicated to supporting people thru the weight loss process but more importantly, helping them keep it off for life. Having lived on the weight loss yo-yo herself, she applies her personal history with her life and health coach training to motivate, encourage and inspire others to their best state of health too.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss - Yes There is a Difference!

In order to lose weight, your body must burn more calories than it takes in, but keep in mind that your body needs calories for energy and when you exercise your body needs even more calories. Before I talk about energy, the first thing you must understand is that losing weight and losing fat is not the same thing. Just because you lose weight, does not mean you lose fat, and just because you lose fat, does not mean you lose weight. When people talk about losing weight, what the really want to do is lose the excess fat on their body and obtain an attractive figure.

When you eat, the body uses most of the calories for energy. If you eat more calories than the body uses, it will get stored as fat. If you do not consume enough calories per day you will lose weight, but you will also lose energy. When you do not consume enough energy (calories) for your body, it will start using up your energy stores to make up for the energy deficiency. Unfortunately, the energy stores used is not your stored fat, but instead it's protein and carbohydrates (carbs) that will supply most of the energy (stored fat makes up a very small percentage). 

Your body will take the protein and carbohydrates from your muscle cells; causing your muscle mass to reduce (say goodby to that toned attractive look) which forces your metabolism to decrease (a low metabolism = slow or no fat burning). When this happens your body requires less energy to maintain its new lower body weight (remember the body weight is lower because you loss muscle), which is why your body conserves energy by slowing down the metabolism. In other words, the body has adapted to the new lower energy (calorie) intake which means that you will no longer continue to lose weight.

Keep in mind that the weight you had lost in the first place was mostly water weight and you will eventually gain it back in the form of fat, not muscle (in order to get your muscle mass back to the way it was before, you have to work on rebuilding it). When carbohydrates and protein that are already in your body are used as the energy source, your body will lose water weight because both carbohydrates and protein hold water in the cells. In essence, you are dehydrating yourself to lose weight. So yes the scale will go down, but approximately 75% (if not more) of it is water instead of fat. And just so you know, exercising while consuming a small calorie intake just makes the situation worse. 

This is because when you exercise, you start burning off more energy and the more you workout, the more energy your body needs. I already told you above where the energy comes from, and if you do not give your body the energy it needs, it will just feed on your muscles even quicker now that you are exercising. So eat more food! In addition to this, when you cut down too much on your calorie intake, your body will start storing calories because it doesn't know when you will eat again. The calories that are stored will be stored as fat. So in other words, when your body is storing energy, it's basically storing more fat.

To summarize my point: Not eating enough calories results in muscle loss, dehydration, slower fat burning, and your body will always adapt to a lower calorie intake. Bottom Line: if you can't maintain that lower calorie intake for the rest of your life, you will gain your weight back when you get tired of starving yourself!

To lose weight properly (burning fat) you must increase your metabolism (weight training) and your need for oxygen (aerobics) while eating enough calories each day (nutritious diet) to give you energy and maintain the protein in your muscles because protein helps build muscles, which indirectly burns fat.

This brings up another good point: When you build muscle your weight will increase because your muscles are made up of mostly water, but your body fat percentage will decrease because building muscles increase your metabolism (in other words, muscles way more than fat, but take up less space than fat). So keep in mind that losing body fat can't be measured by a scale; use a measuring tape and also look at yourself in the mirror, and then you will see the true results. One of the best ways to know if you are losing more body fat than water is by using a body fat analyzer.

Make sure that you focus on fat loss not weight loss. Your goal should be to lose weight by burning fat, not losing water from your muscles. Remember this when you choose your weight loss program.