Tuesday, 29 July 2014
3 Day Detox Diet That Will Kick Start Any Weight Loss Regime
Are you looking for the quickest, safest and easiest way to feel better and look great? If you answered yes, this article will show you the right way to go about it
For a quick way to clean out your system without committing to a long term diet change, do a 3 day detox diet!. Diets lasting for more than a few days are extremely difficult to follow. However, if you know that you have just three days to stick with it, then it becomes a pleasure and not a chore.
Actually, the overall 3 day detox plan is extremely simple and very easy to execute. There are several varieties of this diet and it's up to you to choose the one that suits your tastes and lifestyle. However, you must stick to the exact diet though; otherwise, your detoxification process will be ruined.
Day 1
Start day one by liberating your body from all the built up toxins. Begin by drinking water in the morning and continue to do so all day. You can drink fruit juice, but only if it is 100% pure without added sugars! Your breakfast should consist of a wholegrain cereal and fruit; for lunch, have a fresh salad and veggies; veggie soup would be great for dinner and should be eaten no later than 6:00 p.m. Although salad and fruit are allowed on day 1, the key is to get plenty of water and vegetables. These are fantastic eliminators of waste and other toxins from the body. It is also important for you to exercise. A 30-minute brisk walk will do just fine
Day 2
O.K. You are in day 2 of the detox plan. Congratulations! You don't want to turn back now, so it is essential that you keep drinking lots of water. Obviously, during your detoxification process, you are not allowed to consume coffee, tea, soda, junk food, etc. After all, this is what contributed to the toxins in your body in the first place. If you're groaning, stop it! You do want to feel and look great, right?
On day 2, you should eat fresh fruit and drink water for breakfast. A nice, fresh green salad is great for lunch and for dinner, have some steamed vegetables. After being on this extremely healthy diet for just two days, you will feel great, your skin will be cleared and that bloated feeling around your stomach will disapper!
Day 3
Now you are on your last leg of the detox. Good for you! Continue to drink lots of water and eat plenty of fruit. You may feel a bit hungry, but don't stop now! Your body is finally freeing itself of all those accumulated toxins and waste. Keep going and don't exert much energy today. If you eat vegetables for dinner, you will not have cravings during the night.
The 3 day detox diet may seem scanty, but it is only for three days. Remember, the whole idea is to cleanse your body. By avoiding foods with chemicals or other unnatural substances, you're giving your body a totally natural diet, the way it was intended to be. Say, why don't you go look in the mirror? Give yourself a high five, because you're feeling better and looking great!
Before anyone starts a weight loss regiment, I always recommend this cleansing program. It clears your body and your mind while jump-starting your weight loss and fitness program. Once you get started, don't stop, but maintain it for the rest of your life!
drunk water,
fresh fruit,
green salad,
junk food,
Sunday, 27 July 2014
The Chinese Weight Loss Secret Revealed
Have you heard about the Chinese weight loss secret? Maybe you
have heard of this, but a little more attention may make you familiar
with this even more. Everyone knows that obesity is a major
problem in America, and probably the most that any obese person can do
is to deny it. But for someone who heeds for his health and life, he may
consider various methods of losing weight.
Being overweight has
something to do with one's lifestyle-food and amount of activity.
Therefore for you to get perfectly in shape, you have to modify this
aspect of your life.
In this article, you will know the craze
about Chinese weight loss secret, one of the most popularly effective
ways on how to get rid of extra pounds. You will deal with food,
exercise, and medicine, the Chinese way.
cuisine has always been renowned for its health benefits. It mostly
consists of fish, tofu, a humungous amount of vegetables, and very small
quantities of meat. But it's not just about what they eat that makes
them fit. It has something to do with how they cook these. Chinese
weight loss secret reveals that they cook it very, very quickly in high
temperature, which preserves the texture of the food, and at the same
time, preserves the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it contains.
also consume a large amount of tea in their diet. Some clinical trials
done at some universities in Geneva and Birmingham revealed that certain
teas can increase metabolic rates and hasten the rate at which calories
are burned.
Another Chinese weight loss secret
that is surely effective is exercise. But what kind of exercise do
Chinese people do in order to maintain their weight? Martial arts are
very famous. But did you know that nowadays, it is already being
combined with the Western aerobic exercise?
Spencer Gee, a Chinese
Kung Fu expert, created his workout plan that combines Kung Fu and
other Asian martial arts with aerobic exercises. Not only is this
workout available for men or women, but also for children. A total of
700 calories are shed off of you per session, and in two weeks, you can
see awesome results.
Traditional Chinese medicine
and acupuncture are also part of the Chinese weight loss secret. There
are pressure points in the body, which when punctured, increases the
metabolism of the body, decreases cravings, and improves the over-all
function of the digestive tract.
Would you believe that not only
Chinese people recognize the effectiveness of these methods? Dr. Charles
Schwartz uses little acupressure beads in his so-called
Accu-weight-loss program. These beads are placed at the back of his
patients' ears and in other pressure points. He also tells his clients
to have a diet without carbohydrate-rich foods, and makes them eat
fruits and berries only. That's a bit of the Chinese weight loss secret
and some variations of it, right?
Now these are just among the
deepest secrets of Asian people shared with you. But for you to gain
that perfect shape, it entails more dedication.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3597637
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Muscle Toning and Weight Loss
Have you ever wondered why people cannot lose weight with all of
the many different diets that are available? It is clearly evident that
dieting does not work, so what can you do to lose weight and keep it
off? Here are ten fat loss tips that can help you to finally reach your
weight loss goals.
1. If you want to burn fat, you need to lift weights as well as perform some type of aerobic activity like walking, treadmill running or playing a sport. How much muscle that you have will determine what your metabolic rate is like. If you build muscle, you will help to increase your metabolism and make fat burning easier.
2. Do not weigh yourself. Your scale does not tell you if you are burning fat or building muscle and it can not tell you how much fluid that you have. If you weigh yourself, all of these things can have a huge impact upon your weight and it can also determine your mood for the day.
3. Realize that muscle weighs more than fat, but it takes up much less space in your body. It does not sag or look lumpy. Muscle can help your body to look toned and lean.
4. Do not skip breakfast. Breakfast helps to start up your metabolism in the morning, so you will want to be sure that you eat breakfast each and every day.
5. Watch your calorie intake. Do not cut your caloric intake to less than 1200 calories or your body will move into starvation mode and quit burning fat.
6. Change your eating habits to eating five or six small
meals a day, rather than three larger meals. This helps to keep your
metabolism up and will allow your blood sugar levels to stay more
7. Keep track of your calories. Keep track of your calories for a week or so, average them, and then decrease this amount by 300-500 to see if it can help you lose weight. This is the easiest and simplest way to lose weight.
8. Try to stay away from yo-yo dieting. Diet after diet will only make it more difficult to lose weight and keep it off, because your metabolism will not be able to deal with the changes.
9. Watch your fat intake. You want to look for foods that are less than 10 grams of fat, but want to stay around 5 grams of fat per serving if possible. This will allow you to eat right and lose weight.
10. Fat is stored in your body. This fat storage works as a reserve of energy tank for your body to use later.
When you begin to add these ten tips to your life, you will find that your weight will begin decreasing and your muscles become toned.You will begin to feel better and have more energy. What can be better than that?
1. If you want to burn fat, you need to lift weights as well as perform some type of aerobic activity like walking, treadmill running or playing a sport. How much muscle that you have will determine what your metabolic rate is like. If you build muscle, you will help to increase your metabolism and make fat burning easier.
2. Do not weigh yourself. Your scale does not tell you if you are burning fat or building muscle and it can not tell you how much fluid that you have. If you weigh yourself, all of these things can have a huge impact upon your weight and it can also determine your mood for the day.
3. Realize that muscle weighs more than fat, but it takes up much less space in your body. It does not sag or look lumpy. Muscle can help your body to look toned and lean.
4. Do not skip breakfast. Breakfast helps to start up your metabolism in the morning, so you will want to be sure that you eat breakfast each and every day.
5. Watch your calorie intake. Do not cut your caloric intake to less than 1200 calories or your body will move into starvation mode and quit burning fat.

7. Keep track of your calories. Keep track of your calories for a week or so, average them, and then decrease this amount by 300-500 to see if it can help you lose weight. This is the easiest and simplest way to lose weight.
8. Try to stay away from yo-yo dieting. Diet after diet will only make it more difficult to lose weight and keep it off, because your metabolism will not be able to deal with the changes.
9. Watch your fat intake. You want to look for foods that are less than 10 grams of fat, but want to stay around 5 grams of fat per serving if possible. This will allow you to eat right and lose weight.
10. Fat is stored in your body. This fat storage works as a reserve of energy tank for your body to use later.
When you begin to add these ten tips to your life, you will find that your weight will begin decreasing and your muscles become toned.You will begin to feel better and have more energy. What can be better than that?
We have helped many people lose weight successfully and keep the
weight off. Our focus is on total health and wellness. We have recently
written a series of newsletters that provide you with the secrets that
the weight loss industry do not want you to know and how to keep the
weight off using a multifaceted program.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3441367
blood sugar,
build muscle,
caloric intake,
lose weight,
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Poor Weight Loss Advice is Making People Fat So What Can You Do to Succeed?
There is an unlimited supply of information and advice on the
Internet and elsewhere relating to weight loss and more often than not
it is from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Many of the people giving advice haven't succeeded in losing any weight of their own or maintaining a healthy body weight.
So how can you be sure that the information you're hearing or reading is safe and suitable to help you lose weight? You're
likely to have read some of the free online weight loss advice already
and if you have visited several weight loss websites you will have
probably already seen some conflicting information.
I suggest that
you take a look at the sites where real people are giving their
opinions and results for what they have achieved and if there are links
to the information that they used for their success you should then
study the program that they refer to and see whether that might be the
type of weight loss program that you could follow.
See whether
there is conflicting advice and also whether the weight loss techniques
they are promoting represent good nutritional advice and/or good
exercise recommendations. Read any testimonials they have on their site to see whether others have had good experiences with the program.
program that has a doctors endorsement will add a lot of weight to the
credibility of the program because they wouldn't want to risk false
advertising claiming doctors testimonials if they weren't true.
all the information they have available on their site and if there is
an opportunity to sign up for a free newsletter, do so to get a better
insight into what they are promoting.
Often you can learn a lot of
very good information from being on a weight loss email list where they
give you tips and advice that you can use before you start a weight
loss regime.
Saturday, 5 July 2014
The Most Effective Weight Loss Exercises
When trying to lose weight and burn excess fat the last thing you
want to be doing is wasting time. This article will explain to you what
weighted exercises are best for weight loss, why these exercises are so
effective and how to place them in your fat loss plan.
What makes a weight loss exercise effective?
This may seem like a question which is going to lead into a complicated answer, but it really isn't. The key to any efficient fat burning move is the amount of muscles you use per repetition and the level of intensity at which you perform it. Remember your body will also use calories to repair your body for days after you workout when using weights.
To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume on a daily basis, simple! Your body burns the most amounts of calories when using its muscles. So taking this into account, to lose weight in the quickest time you need to be performing exercises that moves over a series of joints and a collection of muscles, if not all of your muscles (Compound exercises). As you get competent with the movements you need to increase the weight, this will develop the muscle and thus create muscle definition / Tone.
In addition to this as a last point, remember that your legs are a powerful fat burning furnace, purely because of the size and strength of them compared to any other body part. Don't neglect them and don't be put off when they ache!
Below is a list of exercises set into 3 section (Beginner, intermediate, advanced).
Beginner weight loss exercises that are simple and effective
These are the body's basic functional exercises. They teach you how to move through your natural range safely by conditioning your joints and developing the correct motor skills (The way your body moves). In addition to this, these basic exercises will set you up to progress onto the next stage and leave you with sculptured, toned muscles once the fat is eliminated. As well as using the below weighted exercises you should mix in cardio in the form of continuous training and short interval sprints.
* Once you have progressed through to the next stages (intermediate and advance) don't forget to still include the simple exercises as they are still effective weight loss tools. Just increase the weights and intensity, by including them in supersets / tri-sets.
· Squat
· Squat and press
· Static lunges
· Dead lift
· Dead lift curl
· Dead lift curl and press
· Press up
· Dumbbell swing
· Burpee
Intermediate weight loss exercises
Developing on from your basic level, these set of movements become more dynamic. By doing this we are placing our muscles into greater stress which will result in increased muscle definition. Furthermore it will take your fitness and endurance to the next step. To get the most out of your weight loss programme you should start adding supersets (Performing two exercises one after each other) and increase your interval sprints. This will ensure that you maintain your progress.
· Squat and row (cables)
· Alternate dumbbell swing
· Alternate lunges
· Walking lunges
· Burpee variations
· Dumbbell snatch
· Dumbbell clean and jerk
· Cross body snatch
· Weighted ski
Advanced weight loss exercises
Now you're at the stage where your fitness and endurance should be at a high level and you can perform supersets and sprints efficiently, with a level of ease. Taking this into consideration we need to raise the bar again by including Tri-sets (performing 3 exercises continuously one after each other). This will get you lungs burning and really test your stamina. Obviously with such an intensive workout the fat will drop of you.
· Burpee Variations with equipment
· Alternate dumbbell clean and jerk
· Alternate dumbbell snatch
· Plyometric jump variations
· Pull ups
· Dips
*Don't forget you should mix and match all the exercises through the levels above to maintain a constant weight loss and making sure that your body doesn't adapt to your training. If your body does adapt to your training it will result in a reduced fat burn, so keep on your toes and vary your routines.
How to use weights in a weight loss routine
A weight loss workout should be treated like circuit training. The biggest problem most people make is that they take too much rest or set the workout out so they perform weights first, cardio after (or other way round). A fat burning session should consist of cardio and weights mixed up. A quick example of this is shown below.
1. Treadmill: Continuous (10min)
2. Squat (4 x 10)
3. Cross trainer: Intervals (5min)
4. Dead lift (4 x 10)
5. Rowing machine: Intervals (150m sprint / 30 sec rest x 5 - 10 SETS)
6. Press ups
This simple workout jumps from compound weighted exercise to cardio just like a circuit would, but on the gym floor. It will turn your body into a fat burning furnace!
For more information on how to use cardio when your goal is weight loss, check out the "Cardio for weight loss" article. Also take a look at the weight loss diet section and recipes section to make sure you're not wasting the hard work. We also have herbal weight loss supplements (Herbal life), which are completely natural in their ingredients, helping you shed the pounds safely.
What makes a weight loss exercise effective?
This may seem like a question which is going to lead into a complicated answer, but it really isn't. The key to any efficient fat burning move is the amount of muscles you use per repetition and the level of intensity at which you perform it. Remember your body will also use calories to repair your body for days after you workout when using weights.
To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume on a daily basis, simple! Your body burns the most amounts of calories when using its muscles. So taking this into account, to lose weight in the quickest time you need to be performing exercises that moves over a series of joints and a collection of muscles, if not all of your muscles (Compound exercises). As you get competent with the movements you need to increase the weight, this will develop the muscle and thus create muscle definition / Tone.
In addition to this as a last point, remember that your legs are a powerful fat burning furnace, purely because of the size and strength of them compared to any other body part. Don't neglect them and don't be put off when they ache!
Below is a list of exercises set into 3 section (Beginner, intermediate, advanced).
Beginner weight loss exercises that are simple and effective
These are the body's basic functional exercises. They teach you how to move through your natural range safely by conditioning your joints and developing the correct motor skills (The way your body moves). In addition to this, these basic exercises will set you up to progress onto the next stage and leave you with sculptured, toned muscles once the fat is eliminated. As well as using the below weighted exercises you should mix in cardio in the form of continuous training and short interval sprints.
* Once you have progressed through to the next stages (intermediate and advance) don't forget to still include the simple exercises as they are still effective weight loss tools. Just increase the weights and intensity, by including them in supersets / tri-sets.
· Squat
· Squat and press
· Static lunges
· Dead lift
· Dead lift curl
· Dead lift curl and press
· Press up
· Dumbbell swing
· Burpee
Intermediate weight loss exercises
Developing on from your basic level, these set of movements become more dynamic. By doing this we are placing our muscles into greater stress which will result in increased muscle definition. Furthermore it will take your fitness and endurance to the next step. To get the most out of your weight loss programme you should start adding supersets (Performing two exercises one after each other) and increase your interval sprints. This will ensure that you maintain your progress.
· Squat and row (cables)
· Alternate dumbbell swing
· Alternate lunges
· Walking lunges
· Burpee variations
· Dumbbell snatch
· Dumbbell clean and jerk
· Cross body snatch
· Weighted ski
Advanced weight loss exercises
Now you're at the stage where your fitness and endurance should be at a high level and you can perform supersets and sprints efficiently, with a level of ease. Taking this into consideration we need to raise the bar again by including Tri-sets (performing 3 exercises continuously one after each other). This will get you lungs burning and really test your stamina. Obviously with such an intensive workout the fat will drop of you.
· Burpee Variations with equipment
· Alternate dumbbell clean and jerk
· Alternate dumbbell snatch
· Plyometric jump variations
· Pull ups
· Dips
*Don't forget you should mix and match all the exercises through the levels above to maintain a constant weight loss and making sure that your body doesn't adapt to your training. If your body does adapt to your training it will result in a reduced fat burn, so keep on your toes and vary your routines.
How to use weights in a weight loss routine
A weight loss workout should be treated like circuit training. The biggest problem most people make is that they take too much rest or set the workout out so they perform weights first, cardio after (or other way round). A fat burning session should consist of cardio and weights mixed up. A quick example of this is shown below.
1. Treadmill: Continuous (10min)
2. Squat (4 x 10)
3. Cross trainer: Intervals (5min)
4. Dead lift (4 x 10)
5. Rowing machine: Intervals (150m sprint / 30 sec rest x 5 - 10 SETS)
6. Press ups
This simple workout jumps from compound weighted exercise to cardio just like a circuit would, but on the gym floor. It will turn your body into a fat burning furnace!
For more information on how to use cardio when your goal is weight loss, check out the "Cardio for weight loss" article. Also take a look at the weight loss diet section and recipes section to make sure you're not wasting the hard work. We also have herbal weight loss supplements (Herbal life), which are completely natural in their ingredients, helping you shed the pounds safely.
For diets, recipes, workouts and professional weight loss help
please visit [http://www.fit2talk.com] and get your free profile to help
you mange and achieve your goal.
fat burning,
lose weight,
press ups,
pull ups,
rowing machine,
Saturday, 21 June 2014
Best Weight Lifting Program For Weight Loss
To lose body fat fast and to keep it off for good, using the best
weight lifting programs designed for weight loss will help immensely.
Let me give you the exact weight lifting program style I personally used
to shed body fat and get ripped six pack abs.
Weight lifting
burns a staggering amount of calories, but not just while you are
lifting heavy stuff. Up to 48 hours after the fact, your body is still
burning off calories at a higher rate.
If this isn't a good reason to pump a bit of weight in your workout, nothing is.
are two main options here, the first is for somebody relatively
untrained in lifting weights and if you are quite out of shape or you
haven't lifted weights for more than 3 months straight - this one is for
Best Weight Lifting Programs For Weight Loss - Option 1:
- Deadlifts
- Squats
- Clean and press (or military press)
- Bench press
- Calf raises
- Bent over rows
Even if you are just starting off, especially if you are a
female, use really light weights for the first few sessions, you will
still get amazing results - no muscle bulk, just toning the lean muscle
and burning fat. Do 3 repetitions of 10 for each one.
Best Weight Lifting Programs For Weight Loss - Option 2:
- Work your body in splits e.g,
- Monday Chest and triceps
- Tuesday Back and calves
- Wednesday off
- Thursday Legs
- Friday off
- Saturday start again

This way of working out means you can maintain muscle
mass you have put on over the years, by still challenging the muscle
even though you are losing fat.
If you are tired of just grabbing
bits of information here and there, let me help you out, big time. No
strings, just a good old fashioned helping hand.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5019178
Bench press,
bent over rows,
Calf raises,
Monday, 16 June 2014
Tips To Jump Start Fast Weight Loss Without Exercise
Millions of people today are trying to get fit and lose serious
weight. Most of them are failing to achieve their goals because things
can get quite difficult overall. No matter how much time you put into
working out and getting into the clothing that you want, you'll find
that many times you'll just plateau. This is a dreaded thing that many
people face and when you hit a wall, you are going to be stuck for a
long time. Even if you work out diligently, and you eat right, you will
find yourself stuck at a number or a size that you don't want to be in.
If you want to jump start fast weight loss without exercise, than
perhaps it's time to consider a few tips.
The first thing that you want to do is look into Visalus shake mix, as a solution to kickstart your metabolism. This metabolic spike will help you to move forward with not only eating better, but seeing results. The way it works is that you replace a couple of meals daily with this option and you move forward with your life. Don't try to hit the gym every day, and don't turn everything upside down. For your third meal, enjoy something light and that's about it. If you can do this, you will sustain an amazing array of benefits.
For those that assume that you just have to stick to that, you are wrong. You will need to still eat a sensible meal daily. This is not meant to discourage, but rather encourage eating healthy and not starving. Too many people assume that in order to get fit today you have to starve yourself or eat only celery and drink water. That's not the case, and therefore you should not assume that you will have to do that. Eat well, but focus on whole foods, whole grains, and not fatty items.
Aside from adding ViSalus to the mix and eating better, you will want to stay on the path for some time. The best tip that you can receive today is that of sustainability and longevity. For those that stick to meal replacement and eating well for a long period of time, benefits start to pile up. That means that you will see weight loss at a much faster rate and it will be much easier to manage overall. You will not only see the results, you will feel more energy, and you will be able to continue on this path for a lifetime.
When you start to unravel the benefits of healthy living, you will see that it's far better to engage a plan of action than to give up and assume you are stuck in whatever unhappy state that you're in. Moving forward with the options that abound today are as easy as looking into the above tips and trying your best. If you can just manage one shake a day, do that, and if you can't seem to get results, don't worry, these things take time, just wait it out and eventually you will have the body of your dreams.
The first thing that you want to do is look into Visalus shake mix, as a solution to kickstart your metabolism. This metabolic spike will help you to move forward with not only eating better, but seeing results. The way it works is that you replace a couple of meals daily with this option and you move forward with your life. Don't try to hit the gym every day, and don't turn everything upside down. For your third meal, enjoy something light and that's about it. If you can do this, you will sustain an amazing array of benefits.
For those that assume that you just have to stick to that, you are wrong. You will need to still eat a sensible meal daily. This is not meant to discourage, but rather encourage eating healthy and not starving. Too many people assume that in order to get fit today you have to starve yourself or eat only celery and drink water. That's not the case, and therefore you should not assume that you will have to do that. Eat well, but focus on whole foods, whole grains, and not fatty items.
Aside from adding ViSalus to the mix and eating better, you will want to stay on the path for some time. The best tip that you can receive today is that of sustainability and longevity. For those that stick to meal replacement and eating well for a long period of time, benefits start to pile up. That means that you will see weight loss at a much faster rate and it will be much easier to manage overall. You will not only see the results, you will feel more energy, and you will be able to continue on this path for a lifetime.
When you start to unravel the benefits of healthy living, you will see that it's far better to engage a plan of action than to give up and assume you are stuck in whatever unhappy state that you're in. Moving forward with the options that abound today are as easy as looking into the above tips and trying your best. If you can just manage one shake a day, do that, and if you can't seem to get results, don't worry, these things take time, just wait it out and eventually you will have the body of your dreams.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8110746
Friday, 13 June 2014
3 Mind-Blowing Benefits of Weight Lifting
When people think of weight lifting, the first thing that comes
into mind is the image of a professional bodybuilder. A lot of people
assume that people lift weights so they can get bigger bodies. Although
this is the primary reason for people going through weightlifting
sessions, there are a lot of other benefits one can gain. In this
article, we examine three specific benefits you can get by lifting
weights on a regular basis. This applies to both females and males.
You'll be surprised to know that weight lifting can help significantly when it comes to weight management. There are two general types of strength exercises. These are muscle strength and muscle endurance exercises. Muscle strength exercises focus more on lifting the maximum amount of weight, while muscle endurance exercises focus more on lifting weights with the maximum number of repetitions. Weight lifting helps with weight management because it helps your muscles become more efficient at burning calories. Hence, the best way to lose weight quickly is by doing a mix of cardio and strength exercises.
The second benefit you can gain form weight lifting is the psychological factor. As your body becomes more toned, you will naturally feel better about your appearance. This can have an add-on effect to other parts of your life. For example, you may feel more confident speaking in front of people because you are less conscious about your body appearance.
People may also see you as more influential because your body posture is very good. One should never underestimate the mental benefits of working out on a regular basis. People will also take you more seriously because it takes dedication to achieve any fitness objectives.
The third benefit you can gain has to do with energy. Although you may feel tired by the end of each workout session, people who work out on a regular basis feel more energized throughout the day then people who don't. Do you find yourself getting tired all the time at work or at school? You can solve this by doing strength exercises on a regular basis. Weight lifting can also improve your sleeping habits. If you want to go from a night owl to a morning person then this is a great way to change your sleeping pattern. Strength exercises use up a lot of the energy reserves in your body. Hence, your body will want you to rest so it can recover quickly.
You'll be surprised to know that weight lifting can help significantly when it comes to weight management. There are two general types of strength exercises. These are muscle strength and muscle endurance exercises. Muscle strength exercises focus more on lifting the maximum amount of weight, while muscle endurance exercises focus more on lifting weights with the maximum number of repetitions. Weight lifting helps with weight management because it helps your muscles become more efficient at burning calories. Hence, the best way to lose weight quickly is by doing a mix of cardio and strength exercises.
The second benefit you can gain form weight lifting is the psychological factor. As your body becomes more toned, you will naturally feel better about your appearance. This can have an add-on effect to other parts of your life. For example, you may feel more confident speaking in front of people because you are less conscious about your body appearance.
People may also see you as more influential because your body posture is very good. One should never underestimate the mental benefits of working out on a regular basis. People will also take you more seriously because it takes dedication to achieve any fitness objectives.
The third benefit you can gain has to do with energy. Although you may feel tired by the end of each workout session, people who work out on a regular basis feel more energized throughout the day then people who don't. Do you find yourself getting tired all the time at work or at school? You can solve this by doing strength exercises on a regular basis. Weight lifting can also improve your sleeping habits. If you want to go from a night owl to a morning person then this is a great way to change your sleeping pattern. Strength exercises use up a lot of the energy reserves in your body. Hence, your body will want you to rest so it can recover quickly.
Check out the author's website for more information on weight lifting.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8338647
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss-Phase I
How can a quick weight loss also be a healthy weight loss?
Truthfully, if this is the thought on your mind, you are miles ahead of
the majority of people interested in weight loss today. In fact, the
true thought that the majority of weight loss seeker are having is, "How
can I have a quick weight loss?" There is no mention of a healthy
weight loss at all! The problem is that everyone wants the results, but
doesn't care about what they have to do to get there. More
importantly, they don't care about the long term negative affects that
will follow their quick weight loss. In order to achieve your healthy
weight loss and for it to also be a quick weight loss, you must make
some fitness tuning changes to your body.
Now that we've
identified that your mind should be on how a quick weight loss must also
be a healthy weight loss, let's get you there! We are going to
address several things regarding your life and how you live it. I will
give you the paths that you need to take in order for you to get to a
healthy weight loss. Then you will need to go down those paths, one at a
time. How well and how dedicated you are to accomplishing the
completion of those paths will determine whether or not you have a quick
weight loss. I will give you the tools to make a healthy weight loss
also be a quick weight loss, but you must use them, and use them
properly, for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss to occur.
Step one, to achieve your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, will be to make some changes to your diet.
You must, and must want to, start with your diet. If you are a person
that has a minimal or non-existent amount of exercise done each week,
then trying to tackle that step first can be disastrous. If you run
into the gym, before you correct your dieting deficiencies, you will
feel a great deal of fatigue during exercise, and possibly faintness,
dizziness, and extended muscle soreness and fatigue afterwards. To begin
your stepping into a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, you
must first begin with giving your body the nutrients that it needs.
Otherwise, your quest towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight
loss will be that much more difficult, not to mention less enjoyable!
The dieting change to begin your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your daily food intake.
You should have three meals a day, each containing a carbohydrate, a
fruit or vegetable, and a protein. These items must also be evenly
proportioned for each meal. You should get plenty of whole grains in
your diet, so make sure that your carbohydrate sources are whole grain
as often as possible. Ensure that you also get plenty of good
cholesterol in order to keep your cholesterol level under control. This
means that you should be eating a variety of nuts, eggs, and fish and
including olive oil in your diet. In fact, I would recommend at least
one meal a day which contains some kind of fish. Not only is it a good
source of protein, but the Omega-3 oils that are contained in fattier
fishes such as salmon and mackerel are essential for a healthy weight
loss and quick weight loss, as well as healthy living.
Some fitness tuning suggestions for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss diet.In
the morning, I start my day with a fruit, a bowl of oatmeal and some
bacon or sausage, followed by a multivitamin. For lunch you should also
plan your lunch to contain a protein source, a carbohydrate, and a
vegetable. I only have fruit with my meal in the morning, due to the
fact that the sugar will help you to start your day by giving you the
energy that you need. Vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals
than fruit and therefore must be of higher concentration in your diet.
My dinner always contains a meat, pasta or potatoes, and a steamed
vegetable or salad. The fiber from the fruits and vegetables will slow
down the absorption of the carbohydrates into your body, and will allow
you to burn off absorbed carbohydrates before they can be stored as fat.
By following these diet guidelines, your healthy weight loss will
become a quick weight loss as well. Plus, you will have the energy to
begin the next path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight
loss journey that will be found in Phase II.
Believe it or not, your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan involves snacks!
In order to ensure that you are supporting your body's needs for Phase
II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must
have two between-meal snacks. I continually use protein bars and
protein shakes as my between-meal snack. However, I have also been
known to use trail-mix that contains more nuts than fruits. Your goal is
to ensure that your body is getting all of the proteins that it needs
to support Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss
plan. If you should ever feel a craving for something sweet, then have a
piece of fruit. Some fruits have more sugars than others, such as
bananas, grapes, pineapples, raisins, and mangos, and should be eaten
sparingly. These are the desserts that will help to lead to your
healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, not to mention a healthier
You have now completed Phase I of your journey towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss.
You have started your fitness tuning process by ensuring that the foods
that you take into your body are healthy and contain all of the
elements needed for your body's healthy lifestyle. I will be following
this article with Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight
loss journey, but you will be able to get more information regarding
proper dieting and the benefits from doing so by clicking on my fitness
tuning website's link below. You will be able to join my free
membership website, and gain access to all of the nutrition, dieting,
and fitness information that I share with all of my members from week to
week. Begin Phase I of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss
journey today, and you will soon lead yourself to the results that you
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/416232
Saturday, 7 June 2014
Raw Food Weight Loss - How to Easily Lose 7 Pounds This Week
Raw food weight loss refers to eating ONLY raw vegetables,
fruits, sprouted seeds and grains, nuts, herbs and spices - in a big
diversity of salads, juices and shakes, or smoothies.
How would you feel to easily drop 7 pounds in a short week? Without experiencing food cravings, mood swings, hunger pangs or low energy.
How is this possible? Read on.
The Raw Food Weight Loss Diet works mainly because eating mostly vegetables and fruits create an alkaline body. This may be a new idea to you, but one of the biggest causes you struggle with extra weight is that your body is acidic - due to a big part of your diet consisting of cooked and processed foods.
Believe it or not, as soon as you change your body's pH from acid to alkaline, you start to lose weight, almost effortlessly. Are you feeling sluggish and sleepy in the middle of the day - on top of being frustrated with your extra weight? Consider "going raw" - you will drop pounds and get revved-up in no time.
But before, you might want to know the... Benefits of the Raw Food Weight Loss Diet:
Here are... 10 more Reasons to Go on the Raw Food Weight Loss Diet
Besides helping you lose weight big time, raw foods make you:
You should also know that the much-talked about, highly controversial Negative Calorie diet is also based on the remarkable raw food weight loss effect.
How would you feel to easily drop 7 pounds in a short week? Without experiencing food cravings, mood swings, hunger pangs or low energy.
How is this possible? Read on.
The Raw Food Weight Loss Diet works mainly because eating mostly vegetables and fruits create an alkaline body. This may be a new idea to you, but one of the biggest causes you struggle with extra weight is that your body is acidic - due to a big part of your diet consisting of cooked and processed foods.
Believe it or not, as soon as you change your body's pH from acid to alkaline, you start to lose weight, almost effortlessly. Are you feeling sluggish and sleepy in the middle of the day - on top of being frustrated with your extra weight? Consider "going raw" - you will drop pounds and get revved-up in no time.
But before, you might want to know the... Benefits of the Raw Food Weight Loss Diet:
- your metabolism is greatly accelerated naturally, through an increased enzyme production in your body
- you feel full longer due to the rich fiber content
- you have more energy from the natural vitamins and minerals
- you get well-hydrated - this accelerates all fat-burning processes in your body
- you can eat as much as you want, enjoying the convenience of not having to measure food nor count calories
- you save time, as raw foods' preparation time is less than cooking food
Here are... 10 more Reasons to Go on the Raw Food Weight Loss Diet
Besides helping you lose weight big time, raw foods make you:
- feel energized
- lower cholesterol
- stabilize blood sugar
- get clear, radiant skin
- eliminate food cravings
- eliminate flues and colds
- normalize blood pressure
- look and feel 10 years younger
- feel rested and refreshed with less sleep
- eliminate muscle spasms, joint aches and pains

You should also know that the much-talked about, highly controversial Negative Calorie diet is also based on the remarkable raw food weight loss effect.
Alex Ragner is the NLP & EFT weight loss coach and editor in chief at Brainy Weight Loss, your guide on fast, healthy weight loss through customized body-type nutrition, smart workouts and mind-body tools that save you from the frustration of yo-yo dieting and not being able to lose weight and keep it off.
Also check out the Easy Weight Loss plan facebook page for more tips: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Weight-Loss-4u-Now/239904362817415?notif_t=page_new_likes
cookding foods,
feell energized,
food cravings,
joint aches,
less sleep,
Lower cholesterol,
muscle spasms,
raw food,
weight loss
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Discover 5 Easy Weight Loss Tips That Work
The easiest way to lose weight begins with the recognition that each person is unique. Do not be afraid to expriment, while you figure out what works best for your body. Whichever weight loss plan you follow, you can adopt 5 easy weight loss tips that are sure to produce quick results. You will want to make gradual changes. The easiest way to do this is by substituting one eating habit with another, healthier one.
Weight Loss Tip Number 1
Eliminate junk food from your daily diet.
This first tip is an obvious one, but it will require some determination to make it work.
No one needs to tell you about the health dangers, and body fat problems that come from eating junk food.
Many people find that the best way to stop eating junk food is to substitute it with a healthy food item.
In other words, don't deprive yourself of food. Simply choose healthy snacks and you can eat as much as you want and never be hungry. One big secret, and one of the best weight loss tips is that you should always eat foods you like. If there is a certain vegetable, or other food you don't like, don't eat it!
Another one of the "secrets" of successful dieters is to eat lots of fruit. If you do this, make sure to select only the fruits you like best, and that you eat them raw. The health benefits you get from eating lots of raw fruit, and as much raw vegetables as you like, are significant and account for the feeling of wellbeing you will experience.
Weight Loss Tip Number 2
Avoid all carbonated beverages, including the diet, "zero calories," variety.
These "diet" sodas are loaded with chemical substances that interfere with your normal metabolic functions. As a result your body is prevented from burning body fat even when you are doing everything you can to lose weight. You would be amazed at the amount of extra calories you take in by drinking carbonated drinks. People who have simply stopped drinking carbonated beverages have found that they dropped considerable weight, even though they were not on a diet. They just opted for healthier drinks.
Soda drink manufactures have made things even worse by moving towards jumbo size containers.
And you are expected to stay healthy following this trend?
It's an uphill battle, but you can win!
Alcoholic beverages is another contributor to empty calories, and excess body fat. Cut back as much as you can, or stop using alcoholic beverages altogether. Your waistline will thank you. Many health care providers advise that you drink at least eight glasses of water every day. If you can do it, great. But at least make sure that you begin immediately to increase you water intake. You will definitely feel better.
Weight Loss Tip Number 3
Be sure to eat breakfast.
When you eat a healthy breakfast you will not only start your day feeling better, but you will not feel hungry for quite a while, usually till lunch time.
Skipping breakfast will not only cause you to be hungry well before lunch time, but you will suffer from various food cravings.
Weight loss Tip Number 4
Eat 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day.
Although most people these days have heard this advice, few practice it because it's too difficult to incorporate into their busy lives.
While this is true, all you need is some planning and creativity to come up with small meals or snacks to eat every 3 hours or so. Your snacks can consist of your favorite fruits, and vegetables. Bananas are delicious and probably the easiest to carry, requiring no special wrapping.
Weight Loss Tip Number 5
Increase your physical activity.
This does not have to be a trip to the gym, or even to your home gym. There are a lot of ways to increase your physical activity. A popular one is to park your car towards the back of the parking lot at work, at the grocery store, at the shopping mall. You'd be surprised at the number of extra calories you burn in the course of a year if you follow this practice. It will not only cause you to lose some unwanted body fat, but you will be more physically fit. If you want to ramp things up a bit more, avoid the elevator and use the stairs instead, at work and everywhere else that's practical.
Climbing stairs burns more calories than just about any physical activity. You will definitely feel yourself getting fit fast if you adopt this little trick. These 5 weight loss tips will fit most any diet or weight loss plan you adopt. They are simply basic, common sense practices for a healthier lifestyle.My name is Juan Rademacher. If you've struggled with your weight as I did for many years, you'll be happy to know that there is a way to lose weight that is easy and natural.It consists of adopting an eating plan that maximizes your body's ability to use food efficiently to burn calories and body fat.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8241506
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