Friday, 31 May 2013

Master Cleanse Salt Water Flush

It is never bad ideas when doing a colon cleanse to use an enema or other colonics to help out but the Master Cleanse Salt Water Flush can be a great way to cleanse your body in just 5 minutes. Just like an enema, the salt water flush clears out those harmful toxins out of your colon. The most important thing to remember is to always skip one meal before doing the salt water flush for you. Maybe you can skip dinner at night so you can wake up clear and refreshed the next day. You can even do it first thing in the morning too but either way it is up to you. Below are the basic directions to do your very own salt water flush like the Master Cleanse.

1. Filter one quart of water and heat it up in a pan
2. Then add 2 table spoons of sea salt to the water
3. After a few minutes taste the water and make sure it has an actual salty taste, if not you will need to add a little more salt into it.
4. Once the water is nice and warm, pour it into a glass
5. Drink the entire glass once it is at a comfortable drinking temperature
6. Rubbing your lower stomach area will help break up fecal matter and quicken the cleansing process.
7. You are going to have some diarrhea anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours after drinking the Master Cleanse salt water flush. If for some reason you do not after a couple hours have passed that simply means that you did not put enough salt into the water mix.

How to do your own Master Cleanse Salt Water Flush

There are a few people that have used Epsom salt in substitute for sea salt but have found it did not work. The reason that is that Epsom salt actually acts like a magnet to water while sea salt helps get it out of your system. The Epsom salt is not recommended for the flushes because of how harsh it is and how it can dehydrate you. Simply put, just stick with the sea salt.

As easy as this Master Cleanse Salt Water Flush sounds, it is actually harder than you think to chug down one quart of salt water. Even if you throw it up the first time just remember that it will get better. After a couple of glasses you will surprisingly not be bothered by the taste and amount of water you have to drink. No matter what the reason for your cleansing is the flush can be a great partner to have during it.
However, even though it is great for cleansing the salt water flush alone cannot be used as a detox program to rid the toxins. It is simply just a cleansing program that can help improve certain parts of your digestive system. You can do your own Master Cleanse Salt Water Flush from home and have a clear feeling system within a few hours.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Choosing Your Weight Loss or Fitness Program - What Is Right For You?

So far we have discussed three ways to set up your fitness journey to help you ensure a quicker and more effective weight loss. We have set our goals, chosen our diet, and now to pick a great program to go along with it. This program should take into account your physical limitations. This could include a previous knee or back injury, heart issues, or your general fitness level. Your time constraints should also be taken into account. Since I am a working mother, I find it difficult to pick a program that lasts longer than an hour. However, the program should be intense enough to burn calories too. Some of the workouts I do last longer than an hour, but I leave those workouts for a day when my husband is home to watch my son for that period of time.

Be sure to ask your coach to assist you in choosing a program that fits your goals, diet and lifestyle. They are knowledgeable and should be willing and ready to help you out. Once your program is chosen order it and read the nutrition guide and workout details as soon as possible. Then pick a start date. Make sure you have gone shopping to get all your meals for the week!

Make sure you also get a multivitamin to take daily as well. Go to a health store or online and purchase any supplements you need to take. Personally, I take a multivitamin, omega 3, and calcium magnesium vitamin. I also take a pre-workout formula for endurance as well as a Results and Recovery drink for a post workout drink. This helps repair muscles after a workout as well as prevent sore muscles. Next it's time to start! This is the time to go over your goals and make sure you feel motivated enough to begin.

If you think you need more motivation try joining a Challenge group. They are a great way to keep you supported and motivated by people who have similar goals than you. I have found several life-long friends from my groups and there results are amazing! Some lose weight quickly, while others may have taken a bit longer. Either way you have motivation from their results which makes you reaching yours not as impossible and you may get to your weight loss goal even quicker!!Just remember to maintain your focus on attaining your goals and when you are lacking motivation go to your coach and team mates for support.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Understanding Calories and Weight Loss When Dieting

What Is Calorie?
Calorie is a measure of energy. That energy comes from the food we eat. Food calorie content is simply the amount of calories that specific food contains for a given serving size. It seems most weight loss diets focus more on the calorie amounts, other than the nutritional contributions of the ingredients that make the meal.

Why We Need Calories
Well, we can't live without food nor can we survive on water alone. We need food for our body structural growth and development, the energy to carry out daily activities - both physical and mental, disease and ailment prevention etc. Just remember that the energy we get from food is where the calorie counting comes in. Bottom line is no food, you starve to death.

How Many Calories Do We Need?
Definitely a popular question. According to Wikipedia, the daily calorie intake recommended in the USA(age 31 - 50) is 2100 kCal for women and 2700 kCal for men going about everyday life activities plus the equivalent of walking 1.5 to 3 miles at 3 mph. This however, is not a "Ink on the wall" kind of thing since we all active at different levels and every unique metabolism requires its own calorie needs. In other words, the amount of calorie intake is dependent on age, gender, the levels of physical and mental activities, individual metabolism as well as general health conditions. For weight loss purposes, the general consensus is that the more physically active (exercises, sports) one is, the more calories they need to take since they burn a lot, and vise versa. Also see the US government dietary guidelines for more information.

What Happens If We Don't Burn(Use) Our Calories?
Our bodies are designed to convert food into energy and store it for immediate or future use. Intense physical activities like exercising require a lot of energy and hence we burn calories. On the other hand whatever energy we don't use is simply converted and store as body or tissue fat. So the more high calorific foods we eat and the less we are physically active, the more likely we are to put on weight by the additional fat the body creates to store excess calories.

Calorie Content Per Gram By Food Type
  1. Fats (9000 calories): Sources include fried foods, meats, fish oil, butter, veg oils, cheese, chocolate etc
  2. Proteins (4000 calories): Sources include meats, milk and dairy products, eggs. Proteins from plants like beans and soy have a significantly less calories.
  3. Carbohydrates (4000 calories): Sources include fruits, carbonated drinks(soda), breads, cereal, rice, pasta, potatoes etc.
  4. Sugars(240 calories): Examples are table sugars and sweeteners
  5. Alcohol(7000 calories): Beer, Liquor.
Counting calories in weight loss diets can get complicated and confusing. Simplify by identifying the foods you want in your diet and then take what you need by the amount of physical activities that you do. Alternatively, delivered meal plans with specific calorie content are available through subscription services. The common ones are BistroMD, Nutrisystem, South Beach etc

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Flush Fat With These 4 Detox Drinks

When people gain fat, they don't get more fat cells, but the existing fat cells get bigger. This can happen because of hormonal imbalances, lack of exercise and foods that can make your body store fat instead of flushing it.

Fat cells can store "excess energy," like excess nutrients from overeating. They can even store toxic compounds, like organochlorines, from pesticides along with other chemicals, which are not easily broken down by your body. If you want to lose fat, or the fatty look, you must do two things. First you must shrink the fat cells. The second is to keep your lymphatic system in good working order.
Your lymphatic system is a type of circulatory system. It transports white blood cells through your body while transporting waste to organs of detoxification or elimination. Your lymphatic system must work efficiently so that toxins leave your body, not just change locations. These are some of the beverages that can help.

Grapefruit Juice - Fresh squeezed grapefruit juice is one of the best cleanser's for your lymphatic system. Grapefruits contain high amounts of Vitamin C, which helps your body naturally detoxify.
In addition, grapefruits are high in phytonutrients called limonoids - in particular limonin. Limonin is a compound that helps promote the formation of glutathione-S-transferase, a detoxifying enzyme. This enzyme causes the liver to render toxins to be easily excreted from the body. These compounds are also work as powerful antioxidants.

Grapefruit juice can increase the activity of liver enzymes. In fact, it helps with Phase I and Phase II detoxification. This is important since some foods only help the body with Phase I detoxification. If unbalanced and left incomplete, these half-neutralized toxins can be more hazardous to your body.
Grapefruit juice will help your liver detoxify and clear harmful carcinogens from your body. Not only is this a healthy preventive measure, but when your liver is working the way it should, it is more efficient at burning fat - a job it may put on hold if it is over burdened.

Cranberry Juice - Pure cranberry juice is a natural fat flushing drink. It must be 100% pure cranberry juice without anything added. (Check the label, you might be surprise. Cranberry juice contains high levels of organic acids. When taken on a regular basis, these help the body dissolve fatty deposits.

Cranberry juice has been found in research to inhibit certain strains of bacteria from sticking to red blood cells or mouth cells which can cause them to linger in the body. In addition, it helps block a certain bacteria from sticking to cells causing urinary tract infections. This raises the body's ability to flush the bacteria out of the system more easily.

Green tea - Green tea is one of the most famous fat flushing drinks. Like cranberry juice, green tea is extremely high in antioxidants. It has been known to help many dieters lose belly fat more quickly when taken 2-3 times a day. In 1997, researchers found that a component of green tea, an antioxidant called EGCG, is very powerful at limiting the negative side effects of a fatty diet and even smoking.

The Lemon Flush - Make this drink with spring water, juice from ¼ lemon, 1 Table spoon of grade B maple syrup and a dash of cayenne pepper. Make the water as hot as you can drink it and add the ingredients. Sip this drink 1-6 times per day to help flush fat and other toxins from your body.

Grade B Maple Syrup is loaded with vitamins and minerals to help maintain blood sugar during a fast or diet. Lemon juice helps break up hardened material in the joints and muscles, helps clear the kidneys and dissolves toxins and congestion all throughout your body and lymphatic system. Some herbalists claim that cayenne pepper is the most powerful herb in the world. It helps your intestines move out waste, speeds up metabolism, helps build heart tissue, and has been used to treat diseases of the circulatory system.
Consuming certain beverages can help your body perform the two jobs of fat loss more efficiently. These drinks can help your body remove waste from the fat cells and keep your lymphatic system clear and ready to transport toxins out of your system. They can help turn any weight loss program into a fat flush program.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

7 Homemade Detox Drinks for Weight Loss

These homemade detox drinks for weight loss are a natural way to melt the fat fast. Detoxification removes toxins and helps you reach your weight loss goals in a relatively short period of time. So naturally it's a good idea to detox your body on a regular basis.

It's important to note, if you plan on drinking only detoxification drinks for more than a few days, make sure your current health status allows you to change from your normal diet to a detox diet. Before doing any kind of long-term or drastic detox you should consult with a doctor.
With that said, here are 7 homemade detox drinks to help you lose weight:
  1. Tea: Tea is a natural detox drink that expels toxins from your system. Dandelion tea, green tea, peppermint tea, and ginger tea are especially effective in supporting weight loss. Drink 3-5 cups of tea daily to support your weight loss efforts.
  2. Cranberry Juice: Cranberry juice enhances the body's metabolism, which is essential to converting fats into energy instead of excess weight. Along with eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, drinking cranberry juice is a very effective way to lose weight. Plus, this detox drink also helps clear nicotine and alcohol from your system in just about four days. Drink at least 32 ounces of 100% natural organic cranberry juice every day.
  3. Cabbage Juice: Cabbage is very effective for detoxifying your liver. And because your liver is responsible for the detoxification of your body, it is an essential part of your detox and weight loss plan. If you have a juicer, juice up some cabbage, carrots and pears for a deliciously refreshing detox drink.
  4. Cabbage Broth: For a satisfying hot drink, simmer a head of cabbage along with carrots, onions and a pinch of salt, then strain and drink. You can also add other vegetables to pack more nutrients into this hot detox drink, which is very effective for detoxifying your liver.
  5. Cucumber and Lemon: This might seem like a surprising combination, but the effects of these two ingredients was tested by professional nutritionists and found to be a very effective detox and weight loss drink. All you have to do is use a blender to mix 1 cucumber sliced into tiny pieces and the juice half a lemon. Drink at least 2 times per day. This detox drink boosts your metabolism, which is essential for losing weight quickly, and you'll notice how it loads you with energy.
  6. Master Cleanse Lemonade: This is probably the most popular detox drink for weight loss in the industry. It was made famous by celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Beyoncé Knowles because it is an extremely effective detox drink for weight loss and for improving your skin complexion. This is a perfect homemade detox drink to lose weight fast. Mix lemon juice, organic maple syrup and a dash of cayenne pepper into a 10 oz. glass of water. Sip on this drink all day for best results.
  7. Salt Water Cleanse: At the start of your detox, you might want to do a salt water detox to cleanse your digestive system and prepare your body for weight loss. Do this on a day when you have plenty of time to stay home near the bathroom as it will run through your body very quickly. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of natural sea salt into one quart of lukewarm water. Do not use table salt; it will not have the same effect. Stir or shake until the salt is dissolved. Drink and then relax. Most people report a bowel movement within 30 minutes to two hours and several more may follow. Once you have cleansed your system, restore it by eating yogurt to replenish the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract, drink juice, and eat fresh, soft-cooked and steamed fruits and vegetables.
In addition to these detox drinks, make sure to eat lots of veggies, fruits and whole grain foods that fill you up and give you the best chance for quickly losing weight. My name is Beth Winter and I am on a mission to help people just like you get healthy and find relief. When my daughter was diagnosed with fatty liver, we were scared. After hundreds of hours of research, we know what works!

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Weight Loss Motivation

Motivation is the driving force that gives you the willpower to accomplish a particular task and finally become successful in the endeavor you undertake. The level of motivation may change each day depending on how you feel and view certain experiences.

It is the key factor to be successful in weight loss programs. Weight loss motivation is one of the toughest types of motivation to acquire. It drives you to stick to the low fat selections and recipes required to achieve your weight goal. Besides, it provides you the willpower to get up and exercise so as to reach your weight goal.
Weight loss motivation can produce remarkable results. You can produce greater achievements if the level of motivation is higher. In other words, the strength of the motivation determines how much you are successful in your weight loss effort.

You have to find your own motivation so as to become successful at weight loss maintenance. Nowadays, there are tips and tricks available through the Internet to assist you in finding and maintaining your motivation. Also, there are motivational weight loss quotes to help you motivate yourself.

To improve motivation, you have to develop a different mind set. Hypnosis or hypnotherapy is found effective in boosting motivation in some people. It helps people to gain control over their mind.
There are certain things to consider before you go into the depth of weight loss motivation. As a first step to weight loss motivation, prepare a list of things that you want to do after losing weight. Before getting motivated for weight loss, you should learn to accept yourself. Also, you should focus on your strengths (positives) rather than your weaknesses (negatives).

The next step, setting goals will help you to focus on what you aim to achieve. While setting goals, it is advisable to set easily reachable goals so as to create a habit of success in your mind. In short, a high level of weight loss motivation is needed for effective results rather than the actual weight loss and fitness programs.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Using Herbal Weight Loss Pills to Lose Weight

When it comes to weight loss, it is beyond one's wildest imaginations to what level people may go to shed off all the extra fat they have. It does not matter if they have to use herbal weight loss pills or go jogging for miles at stretch,they just want to look slim and trim in a matter of days.
Talking of herbal weight loss pills, most of the times these pills are thought to have no side effects. In addition, it is also believed that because these pills are all natural, anyone of any age can use them without considering health issues. Most of these propositions are misconceptions and need to be clarified before using herbal or any other weight loss oral treatments.

First of all, like any other medicine, herbal medicines should also be taken after a detailed discussion from a health practitioner. It is not important that you take advice from a conventional medical practitioner; help of anyone qualified in natural medicine or diet can be consulted. Discuss your weight, your daily diet while taking natural weight loss pills and health concerns like having diabetes or heart related diseases in the family. Although, natural pills do not have any side effects but the control on diet and weight loss may result in health problems.

Age is also important while taking herbal weight loss pills. If you are below the age of 18 or above 45, relying on pills only to lose weight is not a good idea. Being around these ages and being bulky means that your level of physical activity is not as it should be. Taking pills would make you lose weight but you will be losing a lot of muscle mass as well, making you feel week and deprived. Add a few miles of light jogging in your weekly routine so that your muscle tissues also tone up while you lose weight.

Taking herbal weight loss pills and not controlling your diet is like pulling the rope from both the ends with equal power; you will not be moving anywhere. Whether you want to lose a few pounds from your belly or burn hundreds of pounds of fat from every inch of your body, you need to reduce extra consumption of calories to get the body you want. Pills alone can do the job, but it will take a long time before you get the results you want. Add fiber and protein along with natural fruits to your diet. Lessen the amount of sugar and carb intake for the whole week, except one day. Keep one day to treat your taste buds with the food you have been craving all week, but in limited quantities.

There are no side effects of herbal weight loss pills, as long as you are taking them in recommended amounts and with professional guidance. It is better to gradually lose weight so that you get accustomed to changes in the diet and preferences rather than taking a weight dip and then gaining it back again. Change in dietary and physical activity routines along with herbal pills works better because it helps you keep your body that way for a long time.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Fast Weight Loss Dieting - Shouldn't I Just Decrease My Calorie Intake To Lose Weight Fast?

Speed. That's typically the first word that comes to the minds of many who are looking to get in shape. Fast weight loss dieting is something that many want to do, but don't really understand what truly will work quickly... WITHOUT the negative consequences.

That being said, one of the most common approaches to lose weight fast is to simply decrease your calorie intake. The theory is very straightforward: If you eat X amount of calories a day and you are either gaining weight or maintaining weight, then simply reduce your calorie intake by X amount, and you'll get amazing results. Although the numbers game here makes sense, it's not as straightforward as it may seem.

The reason why is very simple: It is highly recommended that you DO NOT solely focus on losing weight fast simply by decreasing your calorie intake simply because WHAT and HOW you eat is more important than HOW MUCH you eat.

You see, you could just decrease your calorie intake and eat nothing but an unhealthy lunch each day (such as 4 slices of pizza and some fries) to reach your total daily calorie intake requirement. Doing this may equal the total amount of calories you need as far as NUMBERS are concerned for you to lose weight, but you are doing your body a major disservice. What will end up happening is you'll suffer from a mountain of problems (a slower metabolism, digestive issues, more body fat, a loss of energy, and more)!
The primary focus should always be on what it is you are eating and how you are eating as opposed to how much you are eating. This is not to say that you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight. You still do need to eat a little less than you normally would if you want to lose weight, but the point I'm trying to make is that strictly focusing on decreasing your calorie intake is not going to get you the results you want.
Now, to explain the WHAT and the HOW...

The WHAT means eating the right types of nutrients (such as foods high in antioxidants, healthy fats, healthy carbs, protein, vitamins, and minerals). The HOW means eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, eating slower, not eating bad foods late at night, ALWAYS eating breakfast every morning, etc.
So, to answer the question of if you should simply just decrease your calorie intake to drop those pounds quickly, as you can see from the above, this is definitely not a good idea. Focus more on what it is you are eating and how you are eating and you'll not only drop pounds quickly, you'll also improve your overall health as well... PERMANENTLY!

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

The Weight Loss Program For Your Individual Needs

So you have accepted the fact that you must lose weight now. The next step is to find the best way to go about it. With the hard and fast rules that exist in many weight loss programs the required change in lifestyle can seem incredibly daunting. However, with a professional, effective diet plan things are made a little bit easier especially one that promotes a stress free, relaxed approach which will not come as such a shock to your system. If you have been inactive for some time, starting an intensive exercise regime could do more harm than good. For this reason it is recommended that you obtain the advice of your doctor before beginning any form of exercise. The advice will generally be to take things easy initially and have check ups on a regular basis. These early visits to your doctor will ensure that consultations for more serious matters could become history.

Although the most efficient weight loss programs have to be flexible and suit every individual, it should be seen as a new way of life and not just a way to lose those unwanted pounds so that you revert back to your old habits when your desired weight is reached. Your goal should be to reach your perfect weight and remain at it, not the weight that the charts indicate but the weight that you feel most comfortable with. If you are truthful to yourself carrying an extra twenty or thirty pounds around your midsection is far from ideal and by losing it, the ability to carry out many of the mundane tasks in life would become much easier.

A great deal of the actions of the human body are carried out with the use of the back and stomach. When your stomach increases in size even the task of tying shoe laces can become extremely difficult. The advantages of reducing the size of your stomach are that you become more flexible with less pressure being placed upon the spine. In addition, with an improvement in posture this will result in a healthier circulation system thus allowing the blood to flow to your vital organs much easier as compression on your heart decreases.

It is not about spending endless time in the gym but a realistic change in your lifestyle is essential to improve your quality of life. A gradual change in the way you conduct yourself could save you the uncertainty of numerous visits to the hospital and endless courses of medication. This is why the Anything Goes Diet plan is in place to make a difference to you and your life and offers an alternative way to remain there.
Losing weight can be extremely stressful if you don't choose the correct weight loss program.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Find That Inner Motivation For Weight Loss

Finding and keeping your motivation for weight loss is not easy. The stress of daily living can throw you off track when it comes to sustaining willpower and the fast paced style of life will often impact a healthy lifestyle. It is important to continuously reaffirm your sense of inner motivation for weight loss so that you are able to achieve your goals. Fortunately, it is possible to realign that determination and motivation by setting up stepping stones for success and these will help you to stay focused and committed to your plan.
Finding that inner motivation means ascertaining exactly what you are trying to achieve and once this thought process becomes a conscious and determined thought, then it will help to consolidate your aims. Motivation for weight loss must come from within and not from external sources however well meaning.

There are many ways that you can help yourself achieve your goals such as:

· Set yourself some small and yet realistic weight loss goals and you will be more likely to succeed in the long term, plus reaching those goals will boost your intent no end.

· Try to visualise yourself reaching those goals, imagine how you will look and feel when you reach your goal, imagine the sense of self-satisfaction you will feel.

· If you are uncomfortable about how you look, have a current photo of yourself displayed in a prominent place so that it reminds you about your weight loss mission.

· Make a list of all the reasons that you want to lose weight and read it every time that you get mildly tempted to break your diet.

· Get your family to support you. Going it alone is difficult although not impossible, but with a little encouragement, you will get to your goals much quicker.
· There must be no blame or feelings of guilt as this will just detract from your motivation for weight loss and slow down your progress.
· Allow yourself to have a little treat every time you reach a milestone. This could be a trip to the hairdressers or a new outfit. Reward yourself and this will help your determination.
· Plan something amazing for when you reach your ultimate weight; make it something very special so that it spurs you on.
· Don't forget to add in some exercise but ensure that it is something that you enjoy. Any exercise is good and will aid you in your progress.
Following a weight loss plan is ultimately unique for everyone as desires vary from person to person. Providing you have matched your strongest desires with each relevant stepping stone, you will be able to succeed in boosting that inner motivation for weight loss.

Kevin Graham serves as the Managing Director at Empower Me Photo. Empower Me Photo provides tools to help those seeking to stay on their diet or exercise program over the long run - by showing how you are going to look AFTER you lose the weight. You will be amazed at how you are going to look - and your empowering photo can be in your hand as quickly as tomorrow. And you will be inspired, motivated, and yes, EMPOWERED, to stay on your program over the long run by achieving a positive body image for future change.